Sunday, December 21, 2008

More Questions....

Here is a recent column that I wrote for Zachary's school newsletter...

"Reason can answer questions, but imagination has to ask them."

Ralph Gerard

Our household is filled with children that have unique imaginations! Perhaps it originates from their dad whom as a child thought monkeys controlled cars from underground. (Yes...I knew this before I married him.) Or maybe it comes from me? I used to be convinced that the actors on TV could actually hear me when I spoke to them. (Boy, that Ginger on Gilligan's Island was such a snob!) Regardless of how they got this way, Neil and I want all five of our kids to stay this way. Even if it means being cross examined on a regular basis.

I’ll be honest, there are days when I find myself hopelessly searching for a no more question switch! And since there is no such button, I strive to find a smooth balance where I can calmly listen to my children and give them the reply they need, while at the same time carry on with all of the demands of family life. This requires patience, a basic understanding of a child's thought process, and most importantly...a sense of humor. After all, having even the cutest little sweetie pie follow you around with never ending questions could drive just about anyone batty.

Thinking back to my own childhood helps. I fondly remember day dreaming about being a mom one day. In my dreams I always had time for curious interrogations (as well as a sparkling clean house and freshly baked cookies cooling on the windowsill). Then reality happened, and in between settling disputes over who was sitting in what seat, I found myself gritting my teeth after the twentieth question about dinosaurs, or even thinking to myself: Please... I don't know why the daddy longlegs is so tall! Can't you go play with the toys that have overtaken this place! What kind of mother does this? Certainly not the one in my fantasy. That is when I take yet another step back into my past.

I am fully aware that I drove my mom crazy asking questions. But it meant the world to me when she took the time to stop and try her best to answer (or at least listen). So on days when I feel like I want to tear out my hair after constant inquiries, that is what I think of. And if that doesn't work out, I try the old distraction trick! You know the one..."Hey, wanna play Candy land?" or "Who wants gum?" This strategy usually works on the little guys until around the second grade. After that it becomes tricky, because even before they become second graders, they sometimes throw curveballs. Unfortunately for me, I am not always the greatest catcher.

"Mom, I was wondering something just then in the bathroom. Do spiders fart?" my ever so curious youngest son asked me one day. I paused a moment trying desperately not to giggle while I scrambled for the right words. "You know, I never heard a spider fart before. What a great question," I responded while clearing my throat. The what a great question trick! Lots of times this works too, or at least buys me some time to figure out the answer. On this occasion I had no real answer and somehow I didn't think they would have a Spider Fart Exhibit at the Museum of Science. Luckily for me that was the end of the conversation. But as I continued on with my day it haunted me. Do spiders fart? So I sat down at the computer and Googled it. I think this should be my new motto…When all else fails, Google it! Maybe not. But it certainly comes in handy at times like these. After all, I truly can’t picture myself asking a librarian or even Mr. Purpura (our fourth grade science teacher) this question. Oh, in case you are wondering, spiders do fart, so now you have someone to blame if you don't have a dog.

Being an inquisitive kid is really hard work, but being the parent to one (or five) can sometimes be even harder. I’ve come to terms with the fact that my house never sparkles like in my day dream, and the only thing on my windowsill at the moment is dust. However because of this, and my little tricks of the trade, there is a greater chance that one day my curious kids will remember Neil and I taking the time to at least listen to their some times unrelenting questions, even if we don’t always have the answers.

Questions parents ask that they really don't want to know the answer to...

1. How did you get your head in there?
2. Was that my favorite coffee mug?
3. What is that awful smell in the closet?
4. What are you chewing on?
5. What is the expiration date on this milk?
6. (It's really quiet) Where is the baby?
7. Why are my sneakers sticking to the kitchen floor?
8. How in the world did a footprint get up there?
9. Did you flush?
10. Who threw that?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008



Here it is...this year's Christmas card picture. Every year I vow that I will be more creative and thoughtful, and
every year I break that vow. I know one vow that I am not going to break. I vow not to lose sight of the reason for the season. God Bless you all and enjoy your families and friends.
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Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Some Good Sound Advice...

Don't feed seagulls.

Why do I say this you ask? Well, let me tell you.

Last Friday after I dropped Lindsey off at preschool, I decided to venture off to do a quick errand at Wal Mart. Zachary's school was running a warm winter clothing drive so I wanted to pick up some inexpensive hats and mittens for children who may not have any this winter. When we arrived, I parked and mindfully schlepped to the back of the van to lug out and assemble the stroller. As I unbuckled Allyson to take her out of the car, she noticed a package of crackers sticking out of the diaper bag. "Cracker?" she politely asked, "Pleeeese?" Of course I had to give her one, afterall, how do you say no to that?

"Sure sweet girl, just let me buckle you up," I replied while sitting her in the seat. As I finished, I noticed a lonely little seagull in the parking spot next to us. Thinking I was really smart, I decided to throw the top couple of crackers (that I thought may be stale) to the hungry looking thing. BIG MISTAKE! I casually tossed the crackers in his direction, then handed Ally hers.

Suddenly, out of nowhere came a big gang of smelly, loud, and aggressive seagulls! Plunging and swooping, the decoy's accomplices came after us! Their wings were huge, their calls deafening! What concerned me the most was that my sweet baby girl was holding a cracker! I instinctively slammed my car door shut so I could high tail it out of there! Just as the door shut, one of them pooped on my head with a SPLAT! Ewwww! Lucky for me (I guess) it was only on my headband. How disgusting! I whipped it off and made a break for the store. While I was in panic mode, Allyson happily munched on her snack while making "tweet tweet" sounds. Go figure?

I was still shaking ( I think I was even talking to myself ...again) when I got to the checkout line at the end of our "quick errand." When we approached the car, that little trouble maker of a seagull was still hanging out in the same spot. "Tweet tweet." chimed Allyson. "Yeah tweet tweet indeed Ally," I responded as I gave that flying rat the evil eye.


I bet one day you will see me on an episode of When Animals Attack...

"Watch as this clueless mother feeds the savage
flying beasts some crackers, putting her defenseless
child in harms way."

If you do see me on that tv show, try not to laugh too hard as you watch me stumbling and flailing my arms like a blind drunk penguin giving directions okay?

(Does anyone else have that Flock of Seagulls (from the 80's) song stuck in their head? "And I ran I ran so far away?") LOL!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pet Peeves

If I could chose one animal on our beautiful planet to become extinct it would be...

Who is with me?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe the Plumber for President!

Joe is sick and tired of people talking badly about our country. He wants to chose how to "spread his wealth" himself. He is extremely proud to be an American, and now thanks to our shameless media, I know more about Joe the plumber then I do about Barack Obama. Reporters went through Joe's divorce records and his credit score! WHAT?!

What's even more shocking is that I just read that the presidential front runner wouldn't qualify to be a state trooper in our state because of his admitted drug use, his past relationships with admitted terrorists, and his refusal to release his birth certificate. Oddly, he will most likely be our next president! No thank you! I like Joe the Plumber.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

You're Fired

What a mess! these crooks out of office. Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd, you should be ashamed of yourselves! And all of these congress people with their hands in the pot, you are a disgrace! You work FOR US so if I had my way I'd pull a Donald Trump and say, "You're Fired!"

Friday, September 5, 2008

Caption Contest


Emmy took this picture last winter and I just found it on the computer. (Fresh fresh fresh!) Poor Lulu had no idea why her brother asked her to show her chipped fingernail.
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Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin as McCain's VP Pick

Wow! What a surprise! I thought for sure that "the maverick" was going to pick Mitt Romney as his running mate.

My first reaction to the govenor of Alaska was... Who?

My second reaction (shamefully) was...

Geesh, I can't even keep my laundry in order as a mother of five, how the heck does she do it?

My third reaction was...

How does she find the time to have ___with her husband and keep five children happy and healthy, as well as run a state?

(Mum, if you are reading this, I am really sorry, but I am trying to remain honest here.)

After all of our little ones are happily tucked into bed, I will try to learn more about this (what seems to be an amazing) woman. That is unless I find time to...
never mind. ;)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Grumpy Mom Strikes Again

Oh how I love summertime. At our house (and I imagine most of yours as well) most days are beautifully carefree...just the way I like it. We lounge in the mornings and chat about what we can do that day, and usually end up doing something fun(in between some sibling bickering) but all and all it really doesn't matter most days really. Unfortunately, last Friday didn't exactly turn out that way. (Okay it did, but there was a HUGE speed bump on the road to getting there...a grumpy mom!)

The morning started out very nicely. Me with a hot cup of coffee in one hand,our sweet little one Allyson in the other. She was doing her new thing...pointing at everything in sight then looking brightly up at me to ask,"Whasat?" Ryan and Zach were playing "something" in the playroom and Em and Linds were loudly munching on a bowl of cereal. All was well with the world.

I decided that I really needed to get out of the house, so I had made plans in my head to go to the library in the morning and the mall to pick up Allyson's pictures in the afternoon. But my plans were swiftly pushed to the side by the kids.

I came downstairs after putting Allyson in for her morning nap to find the remaining four kiddos breaking out a game of...Monopoly. (Monopoly?) I took a step back and observed as the older two children patiently explained the rules to the younger ones then handed out the money and enthusiastically began. (Wow, how sweet, but honestly, I had some serious doubts about this. Lately Ryan and Em begin arguing after "Good morning" and Lindsey and Zachary are lovingly referred to as Oil and Water at our house.)

Surprisingly, they were still happily buying properties and getting sent to jail after an hour and a half. But when lunchtime came, things began to get ugly. It was almost three hours into the game and Lindsey had quit (I don't know how she stayed in that long--she's four!) and it seemed like the road to Boardwalk was all down hill from there!

Conflict after conflict after conflict!!! We tried rock paper scissors, I attempted to let them duke it out (big mistake) I reasoned, mediated and listened to the unfairness of it all and then it happened. Without warning...after the eighteenth time they shouted "Mom!" I had had it! (This is where I felt like I was on the outside looking in.) I stomped into the dining room with a scowl, "Enough! Everybody-not you Lindsey (who was like a deer in headlights with peanut butter on her forehead?) go upstairs!" Everyone sat scared there for a moment...I am not sure why (okay because my response was out of nowhere!) "Now!"

I was quickly ambushed with questions like "Why?" "What did I do?" "Can't you just listen to my side?" I sternly piped up, "For your own safety,go up there and stay there!" (For there own safety? What was I planning on doing to do to them?) Luckily, I resisted flinging the game across the room and left it intact. Next,I quickly took a trash barrel up and put it in the hall announcing. "Please clean your rooms while you are up here!" And they did.

They instinctively knew that their mom had lost it, the poor loves. Meanwhile downstairs Lindsey kind of hung around close by waiting. Waiting to see what I would do next. It was kind of annoying actually because I didn't know what I was going to do next. Allyson began following me again asking, "Whasat?" (Somehow it wasn't cute that time?)

I quickly realized (after talking to myself for a few minutes) that I simply needed space and uninterrupted time. This happens to me every once and a while (please tell me it happens to you too!) Being home with the kids is something that I absolutely love! But sometimes a little "Metime" is in order.

Needless to say, the kids bedrooms look great, the Monopoly game continued until 4:00 without any major disagreements, and I swiftly went downstairs for a great workout shortly after Neil came home. And when I came back up to put Allyson to bed she pointed at my headband and said...

And it was back to being cute!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

My "Baby" is Growing Up

We took her for her one year pictures (a bit late) today. She was a doll! All of the kids helped. I can honestly say that it went really well. Phew.

Monday, July 14, 2008



Just popping in to post a few pictures from our vacation that my dear sister in law took. Thank you Kerri!

Allyson and Daddy.

Allyson (or shall I say Gidget Jr.) absolutely LOVED the beach! She dove right in and never once looked back!

Ryan and my Godson Sean skillfully digging for sea life.
All of the kids really enjoyed discovering new creatures on the shore.

Here are Zachary and Billy on the hunt for crabs!

Lindsey and her cousin Sean taking a break from mini golf

Here is Allyson "riding a horse" with her biggest fan Zachary right behind her.

Here is Emmy doing her very best Jan Brady imitation! (Too bad most of the kiddo's have no idea who Jan Brady actually is!) Gotta love the bikes! Watching all of the sweeties zooming about the resort was one of the highlights of my week.

And we even had a make over session for Lindsey Lu...



The kids had such a great time. My heart is filled with joy just thinking of the many memories from this one trip.

I am not sure that cousin Rachel's heart was filled with joy when the crew decided to help her overcome her fear of clowns. You are a great sport Rach! ;)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Bad Bad Blogger

Hello Friends!

Life is indeed great...isn't it? It can also become extremely hectic at times...well at our house it does anyway. I really wanted to check in briefly since I've received several emails asking where I am. Well...

I am happily immersed in life and simply unable to sit and blog at the computer. (However, if you follow me around the house and listen really carefully I blog verbally to myself...much to the dismay of my children whom often wonder who the world I am talking to!)

Allyson has officially become a proficient climber, so I am on constant patrol. Lulu has decided to teach herself how to swim in our pool, therefore I have suddenly become a valiant life guard. Not to be outdone, Zac is currently working on his curve ball. I happen to be his biggest fan. His current favorite phrase is, "Mom, watch this one!" I am also wearing the hat of guidance counselor since our sweet Emmy is preparing for her entrance into middle school. And since Ryan is enjoying the freedoms that Neil and I have given to him now that he has proven that he is a very responsible young man, I have taken up the odd habit of pacing about while feeling like I am missing something. (Don't ask, I can't explain it.)

And since my handsome husband is working very very hard to provide for us all and then jumping right in to play hard when he comes home, I have very little spare time!

So I needed to make a choice...find time to blog, or time to nourish my marriage, my children and myself. Obviously I didn't choose the blog. I guess you can say that I am a really bad blogger.

Hopefully in the fall I will have more time to spend here as well as catch up with all of you! In the meantime I will continue my patrol while cheering, pacing, listening, and talking to myself as I enjoy my days of summer!

Have a WONDERFUL summer too! xoxoxoxoxo

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Results Are In...

The doctor's office called...Allyson has outgrown her milk allergy!!!

I am so very happy for my precious baby girl! We introduced a few things over the weekend and she got a bit of a belly ache. (She actually vomited on Emily's face...sorry Em.)So we decided to take it slow, despite being surrounded by people wondering when I am going to wean her. Gulp I don't like that kind of pressure.

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Phlebotomist from H-E-Double Hockey Sticks

Yesterday was Allyson's one year well visit. Well...she is very well indeed. Our sweet girl didn't gain any weight but she did, however grow over two inches in three months. Yay Allyson!

Our beautiful one year old also got two vaccinations and handled them well. Me...not so much! It makes my heart ache when she looks at me with those big blue eyes wondering how I could let this strange lady do this to her? It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase... "This hurts me more than it hurts you."

At the conclusion of the visit, the doctor and I discussed Allyson's milk allergy. Since lots of times children outgrow this type of food allergy we both agreed that we would proceed to do a radioallergosorbent test...also called a RAST. Honestly, I really didn't want to put Ally through this. The mere thought of watching her get blood drawn sent shivers up my spine.

But, it has been a long couple of months trying to keep my angel safe. Do you know how many times I have actually "cried over spilled milk" since she started moving around on her own? Or how stressful it is because she is... oh so very talented at picking up tiny pieces of anything from the ground?

Do you know how many things have dairy in them? One time when Allyson was about five months old (many of you know this already) she mouthed a toy that our neighbor's baby had mouthed as well. She instantly got hives, her eyes and nose watered and her eyes got swollen as well. So needless to say, our family needs to know once and for all just how dangerous it currently is if she is exposed to dairy products. Plus being a completely dairy free nursing mom for a whole year...I really miss cheese! LOL!

So off we cautiously sauntered to the blood lab down the hallway. It is a separate office all together from our pediatrician and I was a bit apprehensive because of Allyson being so young. We signed in and waited and waited and waited... As we lingered Ally roamed the hallway charming everyone who came in and out of the building.

After what seemed to be a really long time of chasing Ally everywhere, the receptionist called our name and she came out from behind the desk. This woman was dressed in scrubs so I am assuming she was a nurse of some kind but I really didn't put much thought into it. "You can sit her on your lap in this chair," she kindly directed.

Ally and I were both very quiet. As I nervously sat down, wondering to myself how this was going to work, an extremely tall dark woman (the phlebotomist) dressed in all white sternly entered our cubical. The room got even more quiet and to break the tension I quickly blurt out,
"I am probably going to cry harder than the baby...just to warn you."
Neither of the two ladies responded at all, and the conversation quickly got ugly.

Phlebotomist..."What are you doing?"

Desk Lady..."I am helping."

Phlebotomist...shakes her head as she snaps her glove. "Well then you can take the blood then if you are going to have them sitting. I put babies on the table over there."

Me...Gulping, this isn't happening. Surely this is some kind of joke. Where is the camera. This isn't funny.

Phlebotomist..."You go right ahead Miss Comeoutfrombehindthedesk, take the blood."

Desk Lady..."I am concerned for the patient, I am trying to help. I don't feel comfortable." She then looks at me and says, "I am so sorry." Next,she says to the tall lady, "I can help hold the patient so that she doesn't get injured."


Phlebotomist..."I will instruct the mother how to hold her."

At this point I am burning up. I don't want to be here to begin with and now this?!!! The desk lady walks away and the Phlebotomist huffs. She then turns to Allyson and I. Ally trustingly looks up at me and inside I am debating what I should do.

I am then instructed sternly to lay the baby down I continue debating with myself. She then gets the elastic thingy out to tie it onto Allyson's arm.

Meanwhile I am thinking...

A good mom would have taken the baby out of this place. Hail Mary full of grace... Please help me do the right thing.

The Phlebotomist searches for a vein and can't find one. She then goes to the second arm and does the same.

At this point I take a deep breath and pipe up, "If you can't find a vein, or you aren't comfortable doing this, please stop. I can take her to a pediatric place." (Frap that really didn't sound very intelligent did it?) "Please don't try anything if you aren't confident."

Now, if you know me, I am extra super polite most of the time, but holy not mess with my baby! And thank you Blessed Mother for helping me find the right words.

Immediately the Phlebotomist softens. She explains that she does babies all of the time and that she usually feels for the vein but not necessarily sees it. She then takes my hand and kindly shows me. Thank goodness I felt it plain as day.

Pinning Allyson as tightly as I could and listening to her yelp wasn't anything compared to feeling completely frightened that she was going to be hurt by this large woman in all white.

When it was over I held my sweet baby close and apologized to her tenderly. As we entered the waiting room on our way out,everyone shook their heads sympathetically. The desk lady apologized again and I nodded. I also vowed to myself (and Mary) that I would NEVER to go back there again!

Monday, May 12, 2008

This is the messiest that it got...

She didn't want anything to do with the cake? (As you can see from the picture.) LOL!
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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Allyson!

She wasn't too sure about the dairy free cake that Lindsey and I made for her. LOL! Zachary and I liked it though.

I can't believe it's been a whole year! Allyson, you have brought beautiful light into our world. Your smile, zest, and hugs are just glorious!!! Thank you for being who you are. Our family is even more special with you in it. You are a treasure. Happy birthday love!
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Thank goodness the kids and I went to the party supply store for balloons! How can you go wrong with balloons?!!! All of the kids had a blast..despite the flop of a cake. Family fun, and balloons! Yay!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

One Year Ago Today

Here I year ago just as I was leaving for the hospital. My water broke, and despite my inner voice telling me to stay home, I listened to the doctor's office and went into the hospital to give birth. I was full excitement and joy here even though I was absolutely humongous and really uncomfortable.

As well as the excitement,I was full of uncertainty. I just knew that my body wasn't ready. If only I had listened to that voice inside of my head. Although, trying to labor at home with four other children wasn't something that I would have been very good at.

In case I don't have time to finish...everything turned out okay. Allyson and I made it. Our sweet baby girl ended up being a shoulder dystocia baby and because of her very rough delivery...let's just say it was a scary moment in time shall we?

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Artist

Here is our very talented artist Zach! His picture "The Seadragon" was selected to be on display at our public library. It is the one mounted in orange above his head. Yay Zachary!
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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mean Mom on the Block

My poor sweet baby girl. Her sleep pattern is changing again and she isn't sleeping well AT ALL. The worst of it...she doesn't give up! She keeps on crying and calling for me. And to add insult to injury she gets herself in such a tizy that she poops in her diaper every time she gets upset. In my heart of hearts I know this is a phase, but holy frap!

I am embarrassed to admit this, but tonight after I FINALLY settled the poor love in for the night (hopefully) the neighborhood gang began racing bikes outside. They were having a grand time shouting and calling out to each other. Now, normally this is music to my ears, but tonight...not so much. You know what I did? I went out and asked them to turn it down a couple of notches. What kind of person does that???!! A crazy mom who hasn't had a break for a few days that's who. I can't believe I did that though. Gulp. I am the mean mom on the block.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Public Service Announcement from Neil

Wetting old dried up clay for a pottery wheel that your daughter got three years ago for Christmas and then forgot about, and then putting it into the microwave will NOT make it soft again.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ask a Silly Question...

Neil had today off and we just puttered around the house a bit. I needed to get some potting soil so I took Allyson for a walk to the hardware store near by. When I returned I wanted the kids to come outside but noticed that Lindsey was barefoot.

Me....."Lindsey what happened to your socks?"

Lindsey....."They got wet."

Me....."How did they get wet?"

Lindsey....."I stepped in a puddle."

Me....."Where was the puddle?"

Lindsey....."In the bathroom."

Me....."What happened?"

Lindsey....."I had a little accident! A real little one mumma."

Me....."Did you clean it up?"

Lindsey....."Yes mumma."

Me....."Good job Lindsey."

Lindsey....."With my socks."

LOL! Life with Lulu is never boring!

Thank You Billy!

We had a WONDERFUL day yesterday. It is spring vacation and our home was FILLED with children! I believe at one point we had around 14 children plus neighborhood kids roaming around here. It was a bit warm felt more like summer than spring, but how can I complain?

My sister in law Kerri came over with her two boys: Billy who is five and my sweet God son Sean who is three. They brought their bikes to ride. Zachary had given up on riding a two wheeler. He refused to practice anymore because he kept falling. Until...Billy started masterfully racing around our neighborhood (okay just our street, but it sounds better doesn't it? LOL) like a pro on two wheels. This inspired Zachary to give it one more try. And wouldn't you know it he did it!

Thank you Billy for showing Zach that no training wheels isn't so scary after all!

Now if only we could get Zachary to tie his shoes? Billy, when you figure that one out give me a call okay? Love you!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

How Can This Be Okay?

My mom called me on Friday morning in tears. "They let me go Kel,"she blurted trying to catch her breath. For a moment neither of us spoke. I listened to her sobbing on the other line. My mom worked for the state for 26 years and just like that they informed her that her position had been eliminated due to cutbacks. No package, no options, just...see you later.

Not only that, it was a stranger who did it. My mom had never met this man before in her life. He offered no answers. "Did I do something wrong?" my mom asked. "No."

She was escorted from the building by two men and told that they would mail her things to her.

She will have no health insurance after May.

How cold. How unfair. How can they just do that?


My mom filed an appeal and got offered another position. She is most likely going to take it so that she can still retire when she planned to with her full pension. It has been a really rough week for her. She hasn't been sleeping. I still don't understand how they can do that? Thank you very much for all of your prayers and advice. I appreciate it.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Our sweet baby girl is into everything lately. By the time Neil comes home from work I am literally shaking some days because I have saved her life at least five times. In fact just the other afternoon she had a chocolate Easter egg in her mouth, tin wrapper and all! You know the ones that are the perfect size to completely block her throat!

She sweeps her hand underneath the furniture for things so I find myself pacing from room to room searching for possible dangers.

She is also an expert at climbing stairs! Luckily we have a door to the room where the steps are, but my sweet children are sometimes forgetful and leave it open. I made the mistake of sitting down to peel potatoes the other day and realized it was too quiet. Sure enough Allyson was on the second floor!

The play pen is good for about 15 minutes, baby gates are tough because Lindsey and the neighborhood children can't figure them out. We have one gate that is at the top of the steps.

Allyson is faster and faster every day. She swiped a strawberry from the table (Lindsey left it a little bit too close to the edge.) and took off running leaving a trail of juice that was dripping from her chin and her clenched hand the other day. God bless her. You could hear her belly laughing from down the block!

She also enjoys playing the drums on the toilet, eating the shmutz from Ryan's baseball cleats,and chewing on electrical cords and unattended Pokemon cards. Baby proofing was so much simpler when I had less children. LOL!

Needless to say, I have a ton of unfinished projects, a big pile of dirty laundry, but a huge smile on my face because...well, just look at her!

Enjoy the day!

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Saturday, April 5, 2008

Bed Times

When I invisioned myself as a mother a long (long) time ago, I imagined bed times as tender moments. Me rocking the baby to sleep while softly serenading a sweet lullaby. Or sharing a story while snuggling up underneath covers and after saying, "the end" my angel rolling over and quickly drifting off into dreamland. Lucky for me I am blessed to have moments (kind of) like these, however lately the endings aren't nearly as charming. It sometimes goes like this...

I am sharing a beautifully quiet moment before bedtime in our room with the baby at the end of the day. Nursing her uninterrupted is a gift that I try to give her at least once a day. She prefers it, and of course I cherish these moments because I know they will be gone before I know it. VRRRRoom VRRRRoom! I hear a noise and wonder what it is? Again VRRRRoom VRRRRoom it's right outside of the bedroom door. I quickly realize it's someone roller blading and I can't believe it! Are you serious?!!! I take a deep breath and try to ignore it, but after a few more minutes both Ally and I are now wondering what the heck is going on and why Neil (my husband) is alllowing it?! I swiftly make my way to the door, and peek out only to find Neil roller blading in the hallway. Annoyed I ask,"What are you doing?!" He replies without blinking, "Rollerblading." Shaking my head I mutter, "Stop it." "Sorry." he says staring blankly into my steaming eyeballs

Or then there is this one...

I read a cute little story to Lindsey. Sometimes I feel like Linds gets left out of things. The older kids have their friends over all of the time, and the baby is into everything lately, so it's nice to share one on one time with Lulu at the end of the day as well. After the book and brushing teeth I give her a ride on my back to bed. I put her down and she starts feeling the sheets with the palm of her hand. "Oh good it's dry," she announces as she pulls the covers up over her. "What do you mean honey?" I ask, not fully wanting the true answer because I just want my day to end at this point (selfish I know). She matter of factly states that she wet the bed last night, but good thing it's dry now huh?
I love that she makes her own bed now, I love that she has no clue as to why she can't sleep in those same sheets again, but I am not loving the fact that I need to change the bed right now.

Being a mom isn't quite what I imagined as a child, and it is certainly not what it's like on television! It's better...even with damp sheets and roller blading husbands.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Oh To Be Young Again...

and just hang out with no pants on without a care in the world. Here is my sweet niece Maddy (the cute brunette) and of course our Allyson chillin' on the kitchen floor. Thanks for coming to visit girls! We missed you so very much!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Me and my Buddy Zachary

It's not the best picture...probably because I almost always avoid having my picture taken, but here we are.
If I could bottle up the love, energy, and talent that this sweet boy has inside of him, I would be a very rich woman. Although if you really think about it, I am already very rich... just not in dollars.
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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thanks Easter Bunny!

Right before bedtime on the night before Easter my sweet boy Zachary quickly jotted down a little note. (See Above) He kindly asked me to put it on the table in the living room for the Easter bunny to find (right next to some baby carrots and some Sun chips?). How cute is he? I especially love the way he spelled appreciate! He also waited a few days before he put his lost tooth underneath his pillow because he wanted the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny to meet each other. LOL! Zachary is such a thoughtful and tender hearted person. Our family is so lucky to have him with us. He makes me smile every single day!!!! I Love you Zach and I uPreeShEET you more than you will ever know!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to briefly check in to say hello and to let you know that we are doing well. We had a terrific Easter.

I hope to spend some time here to post a bit about it as well as the science fair but unfortunately, Allyson is a bit of a handful lately.

She is not napping very well. I am not sure if any of your children did this, but all of mine did...She pulls herself up in the crib and cries and cries and cries when I leave the room at sleep times. Up until now, she would fuss for a minute and then settle for a nice slumber. So as I type I am listening to her sobbing.

If you have any words of wisdom, please share. I have been going in and laying her down, rubbing her back and telling my sweet baby it's okay. This is only because she cried for an hour standing up the other day. She knows how to sit back down, but wont? My heart breaks listening to this.

Anyway...Have a nice day.


I decided to put her in for naps in the playpen. It's worked out much better this way because she can't climb up as easily so my poor tired girl quickly gives up and goes to sleep. It takes weeks for my children to learn how to fall asleep on their own, but I truly believe that this is a gift to give a child,even though I absolutley love cuddling!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Lulu made her bed!

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Why is it that kids fight over seats? It drives Neil and I bonkers. I have to admit that my brother's and I used to do this too, so perhaps I passed on a mutant gene or something, however it doesn't make it any less annoying. Here is a brief sample of what we hear at least ten times a day...

"I call the window seat!" "I'm sitting next to the high chair!"

"Hey, I was sitting there!" "MOM! Zach stole my seat!"

"He had that seat on the way!"

Lindsey (our four year old) is the worst these days. If, for one tiny moment during the day she rested her cute little bottom on a surface, it is HERS for the day and will fight to the end to keep it. It is difficult to even try and reason with her. We keep waiting for the day that she gets it, but until then, I find myself constantly saying phrases such as:

"Now Lulu (her nickname) when you get up, some else can sit here."

Or, "I realize that you were on that swing 47 minutes ago, but now that boy wants a turn. Look at how happy he is! You may go over and politely wait. No, you can't go tell him that you want the swing back this instant."

Calgon take me away!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Happy Daylight Savings Time!

Daylight savings time in the spring is most assuredly a welcome switch at our house, but sometimes it takes a little while for our family to adjust. Meal times don’t go as smoothly…who wants to eat breakfast at 6:00am anyway? Bedtimes seem way too early…"But mom, it’s still light out and the neighbors are outside playing soccer!" And trying to wake the kids for school becomes particularly challenging.

It was the first official night after the clocks were sprung ahead, and there I was still wide awake at 2:00am. The baby was having a rough night so she came into bed with us. I adoringly listened to her soft breaths until I eventually fell asleep. Much to my dismay, I had an extremely strange dream about our son’s ants from his science fair project attacking me and then almost drowning in quick sand! Just as I narrowly escape death, I hear the grocery truck pulling up to save me, only it wasn’t my was real life!

I quickly wake my husband Neil. "Hun, the groceries are here!" I exclaim glancing at the clock. I realize it says 8:00am and Zach and Em start school at 7:45! Ahhh! I snatch a smiling yet soaking wet Allyson who was snuggling between us, and rush to wake the other four kids.

Our oldest son Ryan needs to be at school at 8:15 so he swiftly makes a break for the shower while muttering something under his breath. Zachary, on the other hand, strolls down the hallway comfortably wrapped in a blanket yawning. "What's for breakfast?" he lazily wonders as I sprint past him with a still very wet baby on my hip. "Whatever you can find Zach!" I respond I desperately trying to find a match to a sock in the laundry basket at the bottom of the stairs.

Next, I enter the dining room and I’m overcome by an extremely pungent stench. Zach who is beside me forcefully gags and I immediately follow. "What is that smell?" I ask my half asleep husband who is helpfully carrying bags of groceries into the house still in his pj's. "Did you order fish?" he replies wincing, "Cause it's rotten or something!" I inspect the bags on the table and quickly notice that I don't' recognize ANY of the items. We got the wrong order! Of all days!

As Neil and I explain our situation to the grocery man, my sweet girl Emmy valiantly volunteers to pack the lunch boxes. Zach sits at the table holding his nose and requests a frozen waffle and peanut butter sandwich. (I did tell him whatever didn't I?) Then to top it off, Lindsey (our four year old) begs to go outside to talk to the grocery delivery guy, only she insisted on wearing one of Emmy's old shirts and just tights to bed, so I sternly tell her no! She can't understand why, and frankly I don't have the time or the patience to explain. Thank heavens Ryan ends up helping Zachary while Neil and I straighten out the order.

It was now 8:15 and Ryan is the first one in the car. Em fixes her own hair while Zach and Neil grab their coats. "Hun, you may want to put some pants on because you might need to bring the kids into the school since they’re late," I suggest as I lug the new order into the house with Allyson still on my hip and Lindsey proudly prancing around in her tights dragging bags behind me. "HONK HONK!" Ryan starts beeping the horn, and poor Emmy tries to zip up her jacket while Lindsey hugs her good bye. Zach begins kissing and hugging everyone too as if it were any other morning, and Neil rushes to change his pants. Within seconds Ryan stomps up the front steps wildly beckoning the crew to COME ON! And with that they race off as I sigh and wave, still holding our drenched yet content baby girl. Finally, I complete a much needed diaper change, put the groceries away and start the coffee just as Neil returns home to get ready for work. Phew! I suppose starting a day like this is better than being attacked by killer ants in quick sand right?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Crazy Days!

I am sitting here smiling. I am not sure why because I am absolutely exhausted, but here I am grinning ear to ear. Maybe it's because I realize that these days will most likely pass by so very quickly. Oddly, one moment I wish that they would pass (especially when I look at all of the laundry in the hamper that I just didn't get to today), and then before I can even exhale, I think about how blessed I am. Crazy...I know!

Neil had today off and I had planned on getting tons of things done, but you know how it goes...the day just got away from me. It's okay though. We made it through the day and everyone is snug as a bug in bed. Except for me. I am hiding in the computer room trying to catch up on things.

I have to share...Allyson is walking now. Not full time but she thinks she can. LOL! So I need to be on my toes at all times. It's bittersweet for me because I know how happy this makes her! She has been cruising and begging for someone...anyone to hold her hands so that she can walk around the house! All of us have sore backs as a result. (This makes me smile too.)

Anyway...I just needed to visit my poor dwindling blog and say hi! And to tell you to love today because it will be gone before you know it!

Friday, February 29, 2008

I Am Alive

Sorry that I have been MIA. It has been a really busy and emotional week at our home and I just haven't had any time to spend here. Hopefully I will be back soon. I have to take care of my handsome husband for the weekend. He had a little "procedure" done today and will be out of commission until Monday.

I miss you and hope all is well with you and your families.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Are you kidding me?

Last week a woman in our area was followed into a bookstore restroom by a man who proceeded to poke his head under the stall to look at her. Can you imagine? Well, they found the man. He is a level 3 sex offender. Not only that...he was previously released by the same judge that let the monster that raped the poor little boy in the library! To quote the Patriot Ledger story...

Superior Court Judge Richard T. Moses released Flavell from a state treatment facility for sex offenders in February 2006 over the objections of Bristol County prosecutors who wanted him held as a sexually dangerous person.
In a similar case in 2006, Moses released Corey Saunders, rejecting a move by prosecutors to keep him locked up following a 2001 conviction for indecent assault on a boy. Last month, Saunders was charged with luring a boy away from his mother inside the New Bedford Public Library and raping the child.
Level 3 sex offenders are considered the most dangerous and most at risk for re-offending. Flavell’s past convictions include assault with intent to rape and three counts of open and gross lewdness between 1998 and 2001.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"What have you done for your marriage today?"

I was making lunch this afternoon when suddenly I heard this beautiful sentence coming out of my radio. It's a commercial sponsered by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Lately, being a Catholic in the Boston area has been difficult for most of us (to say the least). I was proud to hear that this was sponsored by our church. Even if it wasn't, I love the message. It's about time! I really hope it encourages conversation and even helps strengthen relationships.

By the way...I plan on giving my husband a back rub tonight. He still isn't feeling well, the poor love.

If you are married...What have you done for your marriage today?

Monday, February 18, 2008

The flies are back in flight

Hi there!

Just a quick health update. Ryan, Emmy,Allyson and Zach are all doing well. Lindsey says her neck hurts (translate: sore throat), Neil is laying in bed moaning and groaning but says he's fine, and I am just tired. But a good tired! Oh and I have a frog in my throat which freaked Linds out when I said that. She wanted to see it and then said,"Well spit it out!"

I ended up going out with my great pals Melissa and Paul last night! I hadn't been out with Meliss since her beautiful wedding day in August of 2006 (and Allyson's conception night) so it was fabulous! I smiled so much that my cheeks are sore (translate: we were big goofballs on the dance floor at 80's night and caused a scene.) Just like the good old days!

I plan on spending lots and lots of time with my kiddos this week since it's school vacation. I hope all of you are well! See you next week!

Friday, February 15, 2008

We are dropping like flies around here...

I will be on a "blogger break" for a few days. It started with Zachary on Monday and like dominos, it is knocking each of my sweet children down for the count.
It's really not anything serious, but you know how it is. "Can I have some soup? I need a tissue! Can you snuggle with me? Mom, come look at what I just coughed up!" Ewww.

Let's hope I don't get sick. I have big plans on Sunday. I am going out with my favorite dance buddy Melissa! YAY!

5-6-7-8! <....inside joke. Hi Paul! ;)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Are You There Spring It's Me Kelly

I have had it! Honestly. Where is the sun? My mental health status is...well...grumpy and confused. I actually folded half of a basket of dirty clothes today. How does THAT happen?! Half is better than whole I suppose, but how did I not realize this? I'm distracted, annoyed, and just plain old grouchy. Blaahh. There I said it. Dang groundhog!

Friday, February 8, 2008

My Budding Naturalist

It's almost science fair time and Ryan has a great plan for his project. He's spent countless hours researching and studying. When I asked him what his plans were he told me that he'd let me know when he narrowed it down.

Well, the other day he proudly handed me a list of the items that he needed:

Fish Tank
Cheese Cloth
Digital Camera
Eye Dropper
Measuring Utensils
Sodium Chloride
Citric Acid

Here is a list of what I need:

A bottle of wine
A secluded island
Some more Raid

Feel free to add to my list.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Only in Massachusetts...

There is new legislation being argued up at the state house in Massachusetts. It's a bill that would guarantee mothers the right to nurse in public locations, defer jury duty and prevent breastfeeding mothers from being labled as sex offenders by exempting breastfeeding from the state's indecency statutes.

Would someone please pinch me and tell me that I am in some sort of bizarre nightmare! Since when is feeding one's baby lewd or indecent? Have you seen some of the commercials airing during prime time television lately?

Up until now I thought the worst thing I had done as mother of five was having a few over due library books. Imagine the "shock and awe" I felt when I realized that I could have been arrested and forced to register as a sex offender for nursing my baby in a public place! Wow!

Shouldn't we as citizens be encouraging good parenting? Breast or bottle, if a sweet innocent baby is hungry, why would we want to make it more difficult for a mother to feed him or her? It's not about one's personal outrage at the quick glimpse of a bare breast (again, have you seen the covers on magazines in the check-out line at the supermarket?), it's about the baby. If we could just take a step back for a moment and think about what is best for children and families in general, I firmly believe that our world would be a much better place.

Friday, February 1, 2008


I don't understand why they let level three sex offenders free. They are sick people that can't be rehabilitated. Study after study has shown this. My heart is aching right now. As I was getting breakfast ready for the kids the news was on the radio. A six year old boy was raped in a reading room just a few feet away from his mother inside a public library by a monster. I can't describe this piece of ---- any other way!

That sweet boy will never be the same again. God bless him and his poor mother. I am so very sorry that this happened. It shouldn't have have happened! This slimeball was deemed an extremely sexually dangerous person that needed to stay in jail, but a judge let him free. How many times have we heard stories like these? It is unacceptable!

Luckily, he was caught and his offenses could cost him life in prison. The key word is could. I will monitor this case closely and let you know what happens.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Allyson is on the move!

It's official...she is crawling like a crazy monkey--in fact she's coming this way! I have to sweep the floor at least three times a day because she will find the tiniest speck of...whatever on the floor. LOL! Say good-bye to the mini Lego's and the Barbie shoes for a while.

I will more than likely be posting even less now. It's very busy here. (But I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!)
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