Friday, March 28, 2008

Me and my Buddy Zachary

It's not the best picture...probably because I almost always avoid having my picture taken, but here we are.
If I could bottle up the love, energy, and talent that this sweet boy has inside of him, I would be a very rich woman. Although if you really think about it, I am already very rich... just not in dollars.
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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thanks Easter Bunny!

Right before bedtime on the night before Easter my sweet boy Zachary quickly jotted down a little note. (See Above) He kindly asked me to put it on the table in the living room for the Easter bunny to find (right next to some baby carrots and some Sun chips?). How cute is he? I especially love the way he spelled appreciate! He also waited a few days before he put his lost tooth underneath his pillow because he wanted the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny to meet each other. LOL! Zachary is such a thoughtful and tender hearted person. Our family is so lucky to have him with us. He makes me smile every single day!!!! I Love you Zach and I uPreeShEET you more than you will ever know!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to briefly check in to say hello and to let you know that we are doing well. We had a terrific Easter.

I hope to spend some time here to post a bit about it as well as the science fair but unfortunately, Allyson is a bit of a handful lately.

She is not napping very well. I am not sure if any of your children did this, but all of mine did...She pulls herself up in the crib and cries and cries and cries when I leave the room at sleep times. Up until now, she would fuss for a minute and then settle for a nice slumber. So as I type I am listening to her sobbing.

If you have any words of wisdom, please share. I have been going in and laying her down, rubbing her back and telling my sweet baby it's okay. This is only because she cried for an hour standing up the other day. She knows how to sit back down, but wont? My heart breaks listening to this.

Anyway...Have a nice day.


I decided to put her in for naps in the playpen. It's worked out much better this way because she can't climb up as easily so my poor tired girl quickly gives up and goes to sleep. It takes weeks for my children to learn how to fall asleep on their own, but I truly believe that this is a gift to give a child,even though I absolutley love cuddling!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Lulu made her bed!

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Why is it that kids fight over seats? It drives Neil and I bonkers. I have to admit that my brother's and I used to do this too, so perhaps I passed on a mutant gene or something, however it doesn't make it any less annoying. Here is a brief sample of what we hear at least ten times a day...

"I call the window seat!" "I'm sitting next to the high chair!"

"Hey, I was sitting there!" "MOM! Zach stole my seat!"

"He had that seat on the way!"

Lindsey (our four year old) is the worst these days. If, for one tiny moment during the day she rested her cute little bottom on a surface, it is HERS for the day and will fight to the end to keep it. It is difficult to even try and reason with her. We keep waiting for the day that she gets it, but until then, I find myself constantly saying phrases such as:

"Now Lulu (her nickname) when you get up, some else can sit here."

Or, "I realize that you were on that swing 47 minutes ago, but now that boy wants a turn. Look at how happy he is! You may go over and politely wait. No, you can't go tell him that you want the swing back this instant."

Calgon take me away!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Happy Daylight Savings Time!

Daylight savings time in the spring is most assuredly a welcome switch at our house, but sometimes it takes a little while for our family to adjust. Meal times don’t go as smoothly…who wants to eat breakfast at 6:00am anyway? Bedtimes seem way too early…"But mom, it’s still light out and the neighbors are outside playing soccer!" And trying to wake the kids for school becomes particularly challenging.

It was the first official night after the clocks were sprung ahead, and there I was still wide awake at 2:00am. The baby was having a rough night so she came into bed with us. I adoringly listened to her soft breaths until I eventually fell asleep. Much to my dismay, I had an extremely strange dream about our son’s ants from his science fair project attacking me and then almost drowning in quick sand! Just as I narrowly escape death, I hear the grocery truck pulling up to save me, only it wasn’t my was real life!

I quickly wake my husband Neil. "Hun, the groceries are here!" I exclaim glancing at the clock. I realize it says 8:00am and Zach and Em start school at 7:45! Ahhh! I snatch a smiling yet soaking wet Allyson who was snuggling between us, and rush to wake the other four kids.

Our oldest son Ryan needs to be at school at 8:15 so he swiftly makes a break for the shower while muttering something under his breath. Zachary, on the other hand, strolls down the hallway comfortably wrapped in a blanket yawning. "What's for breakfast?" he lazily wonders as I sprint past him with a still very wet baby on my hip. "Whatever you can find Zach!" I respond I desperately trying to find a match to a sock in the laundry basket at the bottom of the stairs.

Next, I enter the dining room and I’m overcome by an extremely pungent stench. Zach who is beside me forcefully gags and I immediately follow. "What is that smell?" I ask my half asleep husband who is helpfully carrying bags of groceries into the house still in his pj's. "Did you order fish?" he replies wincing, "Cause it's rotten or something!" I inspect the bags on the table and quickly notice that I don't' recognize ANY of the items. We got the wrong order! Of all days!

As Neil and I explain our situation to the grocery man, my sweet girl Emmy valiantly volunteers to pack the lunch boxes. Zach sits at the table holding his nose and requests a frozen waffle and peanut butter sandwich. (I did tell him whatever didn't I?) Then to top it off, Lindsey (our four year old) begs to go outside to talk to the grocery delivery guy, only she insisted on wearing one of Emmy's old shirts and just tights to bed, so I sternly tell her no! She can't understand why, and frankly I don't have the time or the patience to explain. Thank heavens Ryan ends up helping Zachary while Neil and I straighten out the order.

It was now 8:15 and Ryan is the first one in the car. Em fixes her own hair while Zach and Neil grab their coats. "Hun, you may want to put some pants on because you might need to bring the kids into the school since they’re late," I suggest as I lug the new order into the house with Allyson still on my hip and Lindsey proudly prancing around in her tights dragging bags behind me. "HONK HONK!" Ryan starts beeping the horn, and poor Emmy tries to zip up her jacket while Lindsey hugs her good bye. Zach begins kissing and hugging everyone too as if it were any other morning, and Neil rushes to change his pants. Within seconds Ryan stomps up the front steps wildly beckoning the crew to COME ON! And with that they race off as I sigh and wave, still holding our drenched yet content baby girl. Finally, I complete a much needed diaper change, put the groceries away and start the coffee just as Neil returns home to get ready for work. Phew! I suppose starting a day like this is better than being attacked by killer ants in quick sand right?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Crazy Days!

I am sitting here smiling. I am not sure why because I am absolutely exhausted, but here I am grinning ear to ear. Maybe it's because I realize that these days will most likely pass by so very quickly. Oddly, one moment I wish that they would pass (especially when I look at all of the laundry in the hamper that I just didn't get to today), and then before I can even exhale, I think about how blessed I am. Crazy...I know!

Neil had today off and I had planned on getting tons of things done, but you know how it goes...the day just got away from me. It's okay though. We made it through the day and everyone is snug as a bug in bed. Except for me. I am hiding in the computer room trying to catch up on things.

I have to share...Allyson is walking now. Not full time but she thinks she can. LOL! So I need to be on my toes at all times. It's bittersweet for me because I know how happy this makes her! She has been cruising and begging for someone...anyone to hold her hands so that she can walk around the house! All of us have sore backs as a result. (This makes me smile too.)

Anyway...I just needed to visit my poor dwindling blog and say hi! And to tell you to love today because it will be gone before you know it!