Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Public Service Announcement from Neil

Wetting old dried up clay for a pottery wheel that your daughter got three years ago for Christmas and then forgot about, and then putting it into the microwave will NOT make it soft again.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ask a Silly Question...

Neil had today off and we just puttered around the house a bit. I needed to get some potting soil so I took Allyson for a walk to the hardware store near by. When I returned I wanted the kids to come outside but noticed that Lindsey was barefoot.

Me....."Lindsey what happened to your socks?"

Lindsey....."They got wet."

Me....."How did they get wet?"

Lindsey....."I stepped in a puddle."

Me....."Where was the puddle?"

Lindsey....."In the bathroom."

Me....."What happened?"

Lindsey....."I had a little accident! A real little one mumma."

Me....."Did you clean it up?"

Lindsey....."Yes mumma."

Me....."Good job Lindsey."

Lindsey....."With my socks."

LOL! Life with Lulu is never boring!

Thank You Billy!

We had a WONDERFUL day yesterday. It is spring vacation and our home was FILLED with children! I believe at one point we had around 14 children plus neighborhood kids roaming around here. It was a bit warm felt more like summer than spring, but how can I complain?

My sister in law Kerri came over with her two boys: Billy who is five and my sweet God son Sean who is three. They brought their bikes to ride. Zachary had given up on riding a two wheeler. He refused to practice anymore because he kept falling. Until...Billy started masterfully racing around our neighborhood (okay just our street, but it sounds better doesn't it? LOL) like a pro on two wheels. This inspired Zachary to give it one more try. And wouldn't you know it he did it!

Thank you Billy for showing Zach that no training wheels isn't so scary after all!

Now if only we could get Zachary to tie his shoes? Billy, when you figure that one out give me a call okay? Love you!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

How Can This Be Okay?

My mom called me on Friday morning in tears. "They let me go Kel,"she blurted trying to catch her breath. For a moment neither of us spoke. I listened to her sobbing on the other line. My mom worked for the state for 26 years and just like that they informed her that her position had been eliminated due to cutbacks. No package, no options, just...see you later.

Not only that, it was a stranger who did it. My mom had never met this man before in her life. He offered no answers. "Did I do something wrong?" my mom asked. "No."

She was escorted from the building by two men and told that they would mail her things to her.

She will have no health insurance after May.

How cold. How unfair. How can they just do that?


My mom filed an appeal and got offered another position. She is most likely going to take it so that she can still retire when she planned to with her full pension. It has been a really rough week for her. She hasn't been sleeping. I still don't understand how they can do that? Thank you very much for all of your prayers and advice. I appreciate it.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Our sweet baby girl is into everything lately. By the time Neil comes home from work I am literally shaking some days because I have saved her life at least five times. In fact just the other afternoon she had a chocolate Easter egg in her mouth, tin wrapper and all! You know the ones that are the perfect size to completely block her throat!

She sweeps her hand underneath the furniture for things so I find myself pacing from room to room searching for possible dangers.

She is also an expert at climbing stairs! Luckily we have a door to the room where the steps are, but my sweet children are sometimes forgetful and leave it open. I made the mistake of sitting down to peel potatoes the other day and realized it was too quiet. Sure enough Allyson was on the second floor!

The play pen is good for about 15 minutes, baby gates are tough because Lindsey and the neighborhood children can't figure them out. We have one gate that is at the top of the steps.

Allyson is faster and faster every day. She swiped a strawberry from the table (Lindsey left it a little bit too close to the edge.) and took off running leaving a trail of juice that was dripping from her chin and her clenched hand the other day. God bless her. You could hear her belly laughing from down the block!

She also enjoys playing the drums on the toilet, eating the shmutz from Ryan's baseball cleats,and chewing on electrical cords and unattended Pokemon cards. Baby proofing was so much simpler when I had less children. LOL!

Needless to say, I have a ton of unfinished projects, a big pile of dirty laundry, but a huge smile on my face because...well, just look at her!

Enjoy the day!

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Saturday, April 5, 2008

Bed Times

When I invisioned myself as a mother a long (long) time ago, I imagined bed times as tender moments. Me rocking the baby to sleep while softly serenading a sweet lullaby. Or sharing a story while snuggling up underneath covers and after saying, "the end" my angel rolling over and quickly drifting off into dreamland. Lucky for me I am blessed to have moments (kind of) like these, however lately the endings aren't nearly as charming. It sometimes goes like this...

I am sharing a beautifully quiet moment before bedtime in our room with the baby at the end of the day. Nursing her uninterrupted is a gift that I try to give her at least once a day. She prefers it, and of course I cherish these moments because I know they will be gone before I know it. VRRRRoom VRRRRoom! I hear a noise and wonder what it is? Again VRRRRoom VRRRRoom it's right outside of the bedroom door. I quickly realize it's someone roller blading and I can't believe it! Are you serious?!!! I take a deep breath and try to ignore it, but after a few more minutes both Ally and I are now wondering what the heck is going on and why Neil (my husband) is alllowing it?! I swiftly make my way to the door, and peek out only to find Neil roller blading in the hallway. Annoyed I ask,"What are you doing?!" He replies without blinking, "Rollerblading." Shaking my head I mutter, "Stop it." "Sorry." he says staring blankly into my steaming eyeballs

Or then there is this one...

I read a cute little story to Lindsey. Sometimes I feel like Linds gets left out of things. The older kids have their friends over all of the time, and the baby is into everything lately, so it's nice to share one on one time with Lulu at the end of the day as well. After the book and brushing teeth I give her a ride on my back to bed. I put her down and she starts feeling the sheets with the palm of her hand. "Oh good it's dry," she announces as she pulls the covers up over her. "What do you mean honey?" I ask, not fully wanting the true answer because I just want my day to end at this point (selfish I know). She matter of factly states that she wet the bed last night, but good thing it's dry now huh?
I love that she makes her own bed now, I love that she has no clue as to why she can't sleep in those same sheets again, but I am not loving the fact that I need to change the bed right now.

Being a mom isn't quite what I imagined as a child, and it is certainly not what it's like on television! It's better...even with damp sheets and roller blading husbands.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Oh To Be Young Again...

and just hang out with no pants on without a care in the world. Here is my sweet niece Maddy (the cute brunette) and of course our Allyson chillin' on the kitchen floor. Thanks for coming to visit girls! We missed you so very much!