Friday, December 30, 2011


The New Year is upon us, a time of reflection, celebration and new beginnings. Along with the exhilaration of a fresh start comes the dreaded…New Year’s Resolution. Oh sure I could go with my clever husband’s approach and proclaim, “I resolve to do a little more exercise this year than I did last.” However, I am not convinced that parking one space further from the Dunkin Donuts every day this year is the route that I want to go with. Then again I could rely on the magazine covers at the check out line for inspiration, but doubling my income in thirty days or less seems a bit unrealistic to me. Each year I attempt to improve as a person, yet somehow it doesn’t always come to fruition.

Last year, on top of my own personal resolution, I added an addendum. I decided to “unplug” my kids more often and encourage more outdoor time. As you may recall, last winter was a very snowy one. And although my favorite thing to do on a snowy day is play board games with the kids, the novelty began to wear off on all of us after what seemed like the 80th snow day. On this particular day, boredom and whininess began to set in. Given that whining could potentially send me over the edge, I encouraged the kids to go outside for a while. At our house, gathering the boots, snow pants, mittens and hats takes roughly twenty minutes (if we are lucky), so I vowed to stay strong and not let them back in after ten like they usually do.

It was a picture perfect snow day. After the last zipper was zipped I happily opened the door and pushed…I mean let them out. I then filled the kettle for a nice (quiet) cup of tea. Before the kettle even whistled Lindsey (7) appeared at the door. “It’s cold out here Mum! I am shivering!” I stayed tough and insisted she stay outside longer. Two minutes later Zachary (9) proclaimed, “Mum, I am freezing can I come in?” I shook my head and pointed to the stairs. Then just as I was making my way to the bookcase to grab my book, I innocently glanced out the window. I spied the three of them huddled together in front of the window beckoning me with their sad eyes to please save them! It was as if I’d sent them ice fishing in the Artic! I quickly looked away, but as I attempted to start my book, our littlest one Allyson (3 ) began yowling loudly on the front porch, “Mamma! I am fweezing Mamma! Pweeze let us come in!” So, much to my chagrin, after only seven and a half minutes the gang was back inside.

While helping to unpeel their outdoor clothing, I noticed that indeed they were shivering. To appease my feelings of guilt and shame, I quickly put the kettle back on for hot chocolate. Right before my eyes their sweet little red cheeks turned stark white in a matter of minutes! Normally the whining would have tipped me off but as a result of my quest for quiet I missed the beginning signs of illness. My poor babies all had fevers! I might as well have sent them out in the Artic! Boy did I feel like the worst mother…again.

While the pursuit of more outdoor time didn’t exactly pan out on this day (nor did it last spring when we got a little lost on a hike- but that’s a story for another day) I recognized that mistakes
will inevitably happen, but it’s what you do after you make them that matters. So this year I resolve to learn from my mistakes and simply…listen. I’ll let you know how it goes…hopefully better than my quiet cup of tea!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I Want To Wish You a Merry Christmas!

"Police dah dee dah!"

Last year Allyson would belt out her version of Feliz Navidad almost daily. Now every time I hear this song it makes me smile. Just passing on the smile.

Merry Christmas!