Friday, February 29, 2008

I Am Alive

Sorry that I have been MIA. It has been a really busy and emotional week at our home and I just haven't had any time to spend here. Hopefully I will be back soon. I have to take care of my handsome husband for the weekend. He had a little "procedure" done today and will be out of commission until Monday.

I miss you and hope all is well with you and your families.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Are you kidding me?

Last week a woman in our area was followed into a bookstore restroom by a man who proceeded to poke his head under the stall to look at her. Can you imagine? Well, they found the man. He is a level 3 sex offender. Not only that...he was previously released by the same judge that let the monster that raped the poor little boy in the library! To quote the Patriot Ledger story...

Superior Court Judge Richard T. Moses released Flavell from a state treatment facility for sex offenders in February 2006 over the objections of Bristol County prosecutors who wanted him held as a sexually dangerous person.
In a similar case in 2006, Moses released Corey Saunders, rejecting a move by prosecutors to keep him locked up following a 2001 conviction for indecent assault on a boy. Last month, Saunders was charged with luring a boy away from his mother inside the New Bedford Public Library and raping the child.
Level 3 sex offenders are considered the most dangerous and most at risk for re-offending. Flavell’s past convictions include assault with intent to rape and three counts of open and gross lewdness between 1998 and 2001.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"What have you done for your marriage today?"

I was making lunch this afternoon when suddenly I heard this beautiful sentence coming out of my radio. It's a commercial sponsered by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Lately, being a Catholic in the Boston area has been difficult for most of us (to say the least). I was proud to hear that this was sponsored by our church. Even if it wasn't, I love the message. It's about time! I really hope it encourages conversation and even helps strengthen relationships.

By the way...I plan on giving my husband a back rub tonight. He still isn't feeling well, the poor love.

If you are married...What have you done for your marriage today?

Monday, February 18, 2008

The flies are back in flight

Hi there!

Just a quick health update. Ryan, Emmy,Allyson and Zach are all doing well. Lindsey says her neck hurts (translate: sore throat), Neil is laying in bed moaning and groaning but says he's fine, and I am just tired. But a good tired! Oh and I have a frog in my throat which freaked Linds out when I said that. She wanted to see it and then said,"Well spit it out!"

I ended up going out with my great pals Melissa and Paul last night! I hadn't been out with Meliss since her beautiful wedding day in August of 2006 (and Allyson's conception night) so it was fabulous! I smiled so much that my cheeks are sore (translate: we were big goofballs on the dance floor at 80's night and caused a scene.) Just like the good old days!

I plan on spending lots and lots of time with my kiddos this week since it's school vacation. I hope all of you are well! See you next week!

Friday, February 15, 2008

We are dropping like flies around here...

I will be on a "blogger break" for a few days. It started with Zachary on Monday and like dominos, it is knocking each of my sweet children down for the count.
It's really not anything serious, but you know how it is. "Can I have some soup? I need a tissue! Can you snuggle with me? Mom, come look at what I just coughed up!" Ewww.

Let's hope I don't get sick. I have big plans on Sunday. I am going out with my favorite dance buddy Melissa! YAY!

5-6-7-8! <....inside joke. Hi Paul! ;)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Are You There Spring It's Me Kelly

I have had it! Honestly. Where is the sun? My mental health status is...well...grumpy and confused. I actually folded half of a basket of dirty clothes today. How does THAT happen?! Half is better than whole I suppose, but how did I not realize this? I'm distracted, annoyed, and just plain old grouchy. Blaahh. There I said it. Dang groundhog!

Friday, February 8, 2008

My Budding Naturalist

It's almost science fair time and Ryan has a great plan for his project. He's spent countless hours researching and studying. When I asked him what his plans were he told me that he'd let me know when he narrowed it down.

Well, the other day he proudly handed me a list of the items that he needed:

Fish Tank
Cheese Cloth
Digital Camera
Eye Dropper
Measuring Utensils
Sodium Chloride
Citric Acid

Here is a list of what I need:

A bottle of wine
A secluded island
Some more Raid

Feel free to add to my list.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Only in Massachusetts...

There is new legislation being argued up at the state house in Massachusetts. It's a bill that would guarantee mothers the right to nurse in public locations, defer jury duty and prevent breastfeeding mothers from being labled as sex offenders by exempting breastfeeding from the state's indecency statutes.

Would someone please pinch me and tell me that I am in some sort of bizarre nightmare! Since when is feeding one's baby lewd or indecent? Have you seen some of the commercials airing during prime time television lately?

Up until now I thought the worst thing I had done as mother of five was having a few over due library books. Imagine the "shock and awe" I felt when I realized that I could have been arrested and forced to register as a sex offender for nursing my baby in a public place! Wow!

Shouldn't we as citizens be encouraging good parenting? Breast or bottle, if a sweet innocent baby is hungry, why would we want to make it more difficult for a mother to feed him or her? It's not about one's personal outrage at the quick glimpse of a bare breast (again, have you seen the covers on magazines in the check-out line at the supermarket?), it's about the baby. If we could just take a step back for a moment and think about what is best for children and families in general, I firmly believe that our world would be a much better place.

Friday, February 1, 2008


I don't understand why they let level three sex offenders free. They are sick people that can't be rehabilitated. Study after study has shown this. My heart is aching right now. As I was getting breakfast ready for the kids the news was on the radio. A six year old boy was raped in a reading room just a few feet away from his mother inside a public library by a monster. I can't describe this piece of ---- any other way!

That sweet boy will never be the same again. God bless him and his poor mother. I am so very sorry that this happened. It shouldn't have have happened! This slimeball was deemed an extremely sexually dangerous person that needed to stay in jail, but a judge let him free. How many times have we heard stories like these? It is unacceptable!

Luckily, he was caught and his offenses could cost him life in prison. The key word is could. I will monitor this case closely and let you know what happens.