Friday, December 21, 2007

The Toilet Paper Challenge

It is now day three of my toilet paper roll challenge.

On Wednesday I noticed that yet again nobody replaced the empty roll in the upstairs bathroom with a new one. I am fully aware that this job takes two seconds to complete, but it is the principle of it that is forcing me to conduct this experiment. (As I write this I am questioning my mental health status so I am not offended in the least if you are too.) Instead of replacing it like I always do, I merely put a new roll on the side of the sink and left the empty cardboard roll on the dispenser. So for three days now, nobody has put the new roll on. (It's a double roll so this may take a while.)

This happens all of the time in our house. The paper towels, empty milk containers in the refrigerator, trash barrels filled to the rim. I continually ask for help with these menial little jobs and everyone agrees to help but they rarely follow through. If I was really serious about this, I would hide the toilet paper, but I'm really not that upset.

Last week Zachary left two little squares of toilet paper on the roll. When I asked him why he didn't get a new one, he replied, "There is still some left on there." Who (besides Cheryl Crow) uses two squares of toilet paper?? Perhaps Zach is trying to save the environment. Good job buddy!

Same thing with the milk. Ryan will leave a tablespoon of milk in the carton and put it back in the fridge. Again, I understand that if this is my biggest problem in life, I am doing really well.
It's just a little pet peeve of mine.

I am predicting that I will have a bunch of empty cardboard toilet paper rolls lined up on the side of my sink...I'll let you know what happens.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Oh boy

Last night Lindsey and I were snuggling in her bed reading a story before bedtime. I thoughtfully chose a nativity story to read because we've been trying to keep in mind...the reason for the season. Our precocious (yet sweet) almost four year old knows the story well. We have many different picture books about Baby Jesus that we both enjoy. (Is it weird that I sometimes get choked up while reading this story?) Anyway, when we turn to the last page, there is a beautiful drawing of the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. "Aww," I softly exclaim referring to Jesus, "Isn't he just so lovely?" Lindsey quickly replies, "Is he naked with a penis under there?" Gulp.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Please smile!

Before we got a digital camera, taking the Christmas card picture was a disaster. Neil and I would argue, the kids would end up crying, the photo developer guy at Walgreens hid behind the counter when we walked in, and we always spent way too much money on film and developing. Now we do all of the above except the last part.

This year was no different. I was the director, wildly flailing my arms while making obnoxious noises so that Allyson would look at me. Neil was the photographer, crouching down, banging his head on the chandelier, and mumbling some words that I hope the kids didn't hear.

We took twenty pictures, put them up on the computer, voted, argued over which one was the best, and wondered what the heck that smudge is on the wall behind Emily's head? By the time all was said and done, nobody was even all that thrilled with the picture.

Why do we do this? It's become one of our many holiday traditions I suppose. I even have a "Christmas card bloopers" file that I plan on making into an album someday. Every year I look at the pictures and laugh, remembering all the bribes I offered just for a smile.

So here it is...this years (kind of okay) Christmas picture. Merry Christmas!
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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Rush rush rush

When Neil and I started our family we both decided to try and keep our lives as simple as possible. We have done fairly well so far, but lately it's been a bit tricky. Three of our children are in school now, I have a high maintenance three year old and a baby who loves her mama, so I have been working on my juggling act...and dropping the ball more than I had hoped.

Anyway... I needed to pick up the kids from school yesterday, and I was really hungry. (I am always hungry! Is it a nursing thing?) I quickly slapped a PB and J sandwich together and woofed it down while trying to find Lindsey's left shoe and a missing mitten. I triumphantly got the girls ready and set off in our nice warmed up car (I remembered to do that!) to get the kids.

Confidently I park, unbuckle Linds, wrestle the carriage out of the back and pop Allyson's car seat in, all the while thinking... I think I've got my groove back. We strut to the doors a bit early and wait. I chat with some moms about the weather and how the baby is growing up so know small talk. After a few minutes a good friend of mine approaches.
I smile, she smiles then bursts out laughing. "Kel, did you have peanut butter and jelly for lunch?" Gulp. Apparently I had a big old glob of it on my cheek! LOL! I had two choices in this situation...

A. Meekly wipe the smudge of sandwich off of my face while thanking my friend(feeling like an idiot).

B. Or burst into laughter while asking my friend if she would like some.

I chose B.

I do have my groove back! I'm just tweaking it a bit. ;)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How the time has passed

I can't believe that I have been an at home mom for 12 years. You'd think I would be better at this. LOL Some days it feels like I haven't really done much of anything at all, yet I honestly can't recall sitting down and relaxing either? I know I know... I am doing a very important job, a job that I absolutely love (most days). In fact, this is the job that I dreamed of having. Is that weird? I've always wanted to be a mom.

Yay me! ;)