Monday, February 6, 2012

Onstar Commercial

I automatically turn on the radio when I work in the kitchen. If it’s music, I dance like a fool and if I am lucky I may even gain a dance partner. If it’s talk radio, it’s extremely likely that I will talk back to the person on the radio as if they can hear me. This can be confusing for my family.

“What are you talking about Mike?” I shout at the radio.
“Who is Mike and where is he?” one of the kids will most likely say to another.
“It’s just mom talking to the man on the radio again.”

Even the commercials get me going. Have you heard the most recent Onstar commercial? They replay an actual recording of a young woman that has just been in a car accident and she is 8 months pregnant. She sounds fairly calm at the beginning of the conversation, but near the end she sounds completely panicked because she can’t find her cell phone to call her husband. With her permission the kind and collected Onstar lady contacts the husband and we hear the husband and wife's emotional conversation. They are both distraught! The call ends when the distressed husband (Eddie) stutters, “I, I, I will be right there baby!”

Well…is she okay? Is the baby okay? Don’t you think they should have an update of some kind?

I have heard this commercial several times and it tugs (rips at) my heart strings every time.