Monday, November 4, 2013

Just Act Like You Are Supposed To Be Here

Saturday was Red Sox Day in Boston.  Our boys were lucky enough to score tickets to the rally at Fenway Park before the parade.  As they sat waiting Ryan suggests, "Hey Zach?  Do you want to go on the field with the players?"  Zach responds, "Ahhhh I don't think we are supposed to do that Ry."  A few minutes go by..."Zach, we are going onto the field.  We will be okay. Just act like you are supposed to be there."  So with that, Ryan cleverly tucks his pass into his shirt pocket so it could be seen, casually opens the gate and the two confidently stroll onto the field!  They spent the morning brushing up against the players and reporters as if they were supposed to be there.  What a memory for two fervent Red Sox fans.