Friday, May 15, 2009

My Little Blessing

Friday mornings are nuts here. After the oldest three are off to school, I need to get my two little sweeties ready to drop Lindsey off at preschool. It really takes it's toll on Allyson, because normally I try to keep things fairly simple and calm around here. I am not a big fan of dragging children (especially really young children) all around the place, but some days it just can't be helped.

After drop off, errands and chores this morning, I took Allyson for a nice walk to break up the cycle of madness, and then made lunch. The poor love was ready for her nap, but I needed to go back to get Linds at school. I was racing against the clock because Emmy gets dropped off here at home shortly after. So I attempt to cajole Ally out the door and it doesn't go very well. (Need I say more? She is two and tired.) Normally I can distract her, but she had had her fill of being carted around for the morning. We finally make it to the car and she sternly resists going into her car seat. With a deep sigh I begin to pray for patience, "Hail Mary," puzzled Allyson interrupts, "Me no Mary! Me Allyson!"

How do you not laugh at that?

Monday, May 11, 2009


On one hand it seems like just yesterday when you entered this world, but on the other it feels like you've been here all along. Sweet girl, you never cease to amaze me with your physical agility, excellent vocabulary and outstanding manners! All of us can't imagine life without you! Thank you for your warmth, silliness, funny songs and kindness Allyson!

Happy Birthday!
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Signs of Spring

I can actually see the radiators because they aren’t covered in soggy snow pants hats and mittens

Dead dandelions in my pockets

The random strands of pink and yellow Easter grass and plastic egg halves spread all over the house.

Bubbles and sidewalk chalk

Long walks

Cleat prints and "schmootz" (the stuff that sticks to the bottom of the cleat) from soccer and baseball all over the front porch

Giggles on the swings

Daily hunts for shin pads and baseball gloves

More giggles on the swings

Debates over whether the kids need a jacket or not every morning.

Skinned knees

The ice cream man leisurely driving by and waving at our kids through our window just as we sit down for dinner every night

Spring is finally here!!!