Sunday, November 13, 2011

What Would Jesus Do?

I needed to pull into a full service gas station very near to our house for some gas the other day. After I announced what I needed to the man, Lindsey kindly reminded me to watch to make sure that they do not give me too much this time. A few weeks ago, I only had 20.00 with me and somehow the gas machine was broken and didn’t stop. I didn’t notice. (I must have been chatting.) The gas guy frantically stopped the meter at 24.00. He genuinely looked very upset, as if he was going to get into trouble. He explained that the machine was broken; however, I only had 20.00! I told him I would come back and give him the four dollars. And I did.

After telling the story, Ryan quickly responds, “Why would you do that? He made a mistake, not you mum.” I replied, “I just did what I thought Jesus would do.”

Lindsey quickly pipes up from the back seat, “They didn’t have cars back then Mum!”

Friday, November 4, 2011


This is a first...

"YUCK!" Lindsey exclaims from the bathroom.

Fearing something awful, I hesitate to respond, "Everything okay?" I wince, not really wanting to know.

"Someone put soap on my toothbrush!" I immediately glare over at Zach who lowers his head.

"Zaaach?" I ask.

He pauses then slowly looks up at me. "I did it, I am sorry. She did it to me last night so I did it back."

Please tell me this will pass!