Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy New Year!

Sending warm wishes from our family to yours.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Sweetest Thing Anyone Has Ever Said To Me...

                      "You make my heart feel super happy!"

                                               -Allyson, our sweet 2 and a half year old


Friday, November 27, 2009


Our family had a lovely Thanksgiving. We ended up having a simple meal with just us. This has never happened before. Each child had special jobs to do in preparation, and despite both mine and Neil's and reservations, it worked out just as I dreamed. The kids enthusiastically helped out and actually enjoyed it! And oh how I did too! Neil spent most of the morning with his mum. (She hasn't been well, and it was very important that he was there. I was very glad that he went to share Allyson with her on such an important day.) When he returned with Allyson, he was delighted by the smoothness of it all.

Recently, we've been extremely busy with activities, volunteering, and family illness (on both sides) so Neil and I have been like two ships passing in the wind. I look forward to sharing many more moments like these with our children in the days ahead.

Thank you Ryan, Emily, Zach, Lindsey and Allyson for all that contributed to make our day so special. And Neil, thank you for all that you do daily to make it possible for me to be a mommy to our children. I love you.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Oh Man

You know your day can only get better when you try to fold laundry, dance and scramble eggs at the same time only you lose your balance and as you attempt to recover cause four eggs to swiftly catapult directly into a laundry basket filled with clean clothing.

Happy Monday!

Yep, that is a run on sentence alright!

photo by Emmy

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

You know what stinks?

A forgotten bag of potatoes in the way back of a cabinet!

Oh my goodness, I can't believe how much stench is in the air. I need to bake something to cover it up. Even though I immediately transplanted the dripping bag into a trash bag and raced it to the garage, the overwhelming odor is still here.

Please share some of your stinky stories here.

Monday, August 10, 2009


I absolutely adore the sounds of summer! With that said, I need to admit that at times it can get a bit nuts around here. However, I discovered a way to get away from it all for...well....a little over 45 seconds.

I swim underwater (or just duck under). It's really quiet down there. That is until your five children discover that you can hold your breath for a really long time and decide to play the game, Guess what I just said. Did you know that "I am a dinosaur," sounds a lot like "I have a canker sore?" when you are under water. Believe me, it does.

Can you tell I'm smiling as I type this...I can't help it.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Zachary!

I am sorry that I am late with this posting sweet boy... (Yesterday was his special day, but we were so busy! Happily busy!)

Happy Birthday to my energetic, creative, and warm hearted little boy. You light up a room the second you enter it. I love you so much Zachary. You are a beautiful gift from God.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thinking of my brother

I try not to get too deep here, especially since the title of the blog is On the Brightside. However, this week marks the 30th anniversary of my older brother Kevin's death. I was eight when he died, and to be honest, for the longest time I thought he was away at a camp and would be home again some day. It's funny how a child's mind works? I am mindful of this when dealing with my own children.

Kevin passed away a week before his 11th birthday. He had a brain aneurysm, so it was very sudden. This week, whether I realize it or not, tends to make me extremely heavy hearted. It is amazing how my sub conscious works. What's also peculiar is that my mom and brothers get the same way.

When I was a young girl, I was afraid that I wouldn't make it to 11. I spent two years trying to figure out how to postpone my birthday. (Hmmm, if only I could do that now!) My mom found out and took the three of us to see the doctor that tried to save Kevin's life. He explained that we would be okay. What a great thing to do, even though in my head (no pun intended there) I thought, how do you know that I am okay? You have never looked at my brain? I stopped worrying once I turned 12.

My brother Kevin was a hero. Because of his death my mother found the strength to leave my father (an abusive alcoholic). I know that sounds a bit dramatic, but I honestly believe it. (My mom does too.) My father got even worse after Kevin died, so I am so very grateful for my brother Kevin and to my mom, who saved us all. So I guess there is a bright side after all, huh?

Happy Birthday Kevin...and thanks.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Emily

Today was Emmy's 12th birthday. Here she is...the speed demon that she is! Thank goodness she isn't quite old enough to have a drivers license yet!

My, what an amazing young woman you have become Miss Em! You inspire me to be a better person almost every single day. (I should probably enjoy this last year before we enter the teen years huh? Just kidding buddy...we will be fine!)
Happy Birthday Em. Oh and I am still taller than you. ;)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Operation Bag

Here is a recent column that I wrote for Zachary's school newsletter...

I knew that I had hit rock bottom when I inadvertently cleaned up the entire waiting room at the kid’s pediatricians office one morning. I am not proud to admit it, but it certainly was a wake up call for me! And considering I wasn’t doing a whole lot of sleeping at that time, it worked much better than the extra super large cup of coffee I drank before I left the house. Luckily our newborn daughter and I were the only two in the waiting room at the time. None the less, when I realized what I had done, my face turned purple with embarrassment.

As I waited for the nurse to call us in, I recognized that I had fallen into a cycle of behavior of constantly picking up after my family instead of letting them do it for themselves. I suppose it happened because it was just easier to do it myself rather than argue or badger. But how could I possibly fit in the family time that I absolutely adored in between nursing a new baby, taking care of four other children, the house and then organizing everyone’s things? Something needed to change and it was up to me to initiate it.

In the past, I found that if I nagged enough, my family would reluctantly put their stuff away. But again, I didn’t sign up to be the worlds biggest nag. (That’s one of my famous mom quotes that I use when I am frustrated, you can use it if you want to.) I also tried to ignore the piles of stuff that accumulated throughout our home, but that became not only annoying, but dangerous. “How many times do I need to trip over this stegosaurus before I break my neck?”

That night I made an important announcement at dinnertime. “Since my pleas for help around here have gone unanswered, I have decided to take every item that is not put into it’s proper place by the end of the day and put it into a bag to be given to charity at the end of the week. I need more help around here, and this is my only choice. Mom is tired,” (The guilt trip usually works around here.) As I finished my overly dramatic speech, I glanced at everyone’s blank faces hoping to get some sort of an apology…something…anything? But the only response I got was from our then five year old, “What’s a plea?”

After a brief explanation, everyone in the house (over the age of five) was ready for the challenge. Operation BAG was put into place. (Don’t ask me why it was called this, but it stuck ,so we kept it.)

Before bedtime, I annoyingly spotted many violations. And since it was the first day I issued a warning. Everyone, including Neil, jumped up from what they were doing and scrambled to put their stuff away. But the second day, I decided to simply collect my defiant family’s belongings without a word. The BAG contained a camera, Gameboy, two baseball hats, a deck of Pokemon cards, three socks?, a sticker book, a belt, and two Webkinz animals. Oddly, nobody even asked where their beloved belongings were the next day! And as day three closed I hesitantly put even more neglected items in the BAG. I was beginning to think that I would need to change this experiment’s name to Operation DUMPSTER. Finally, on the fourth day, they began to notice.

“Mom! Have you seen my baseball hat? Is it in the BAG?”
“Who took my pack of gum? It didn‘t just vanish…Oh man, the BAG!”
Or my own husband trying to sweet talk me, “Kel, you look very pretty today. Where is the BAG? I need my belt.” And to all, I simply replied “Did you put it where it belongs?” (Since when did I start sounding like my own mother?)

It took a disappointing four days for the littering scoundrels to realize how much stuff they left around the house! I wish I could say that things changed dramatically since then, they didn’t. But they did change a little. You’ll no doubt find piles of clutter decorating our humble home, but at the end of the day we work together to put it all away (usually). And I definitely have more time to enjoy my husband and kids, which is great since my newborn baby girl is now an extremely active toddler who enjoys leaving her toys every where just like her big brothers and sisters!

Friday, May 15, 2009

My Little Blessing

Friday mornings are nuts here. After the oldest three are off to school, I need to get my two little sweeties ready to drop Lindsey off at preschool. It really takes it's toll on Allyson, because normally I try to keep things fairly simple and calm around here. I am not a big fan of dragging children (especially really young children) all around the place, but some days it just can't be helped.

After drop off, errands and chores this morning, I took Allyson for a nice walk to break up the cycle of madness, and then made lunch. The poor love was ready for her nap, but I needed to go back to get Linds at school. I was racing against the clock because Emmy gets dropped off here at home shortly after. So I attempt to cajole Ally out the door and it doesn't go very well. (Need I say more? She is two and tired.) Normally I can distract her, but she had had her fill of being carted around for the morning. We finally make it to the car and she sternly resists going into her car seat. With a deep sigh I begin to pray for patience, "Hail Mary," puzzled Allyson interrupts, "Me no Mary! Me Allyson!"

How do you not laugh at that?

Monday, May 11, 2009


On one hand it seems like just yesterday when you entered this world, but on the other it feels like you've been here all along. Sweet girl, you never cease to amaze me with your physical agility, excellent vocabulary and outstanding manners! All of us can't imagine life without you! Thank you for your warmth, silliness, funny songs and kindness Allyson!

Happy Birthday!
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Signs of Spring

I can actually see the radiators because they aren’t covered in soggy snow pants hats and mittens

Dead dandelions in my pockets

The random strands of pink and yellow Easter grass and plastic egg halves spread all over the house.

Bubbles and sidewalk chalk

Long walks

Cleat prints and "schmootz" (the stuff that sticks to the bottom of the cleat) from soccer and baseball all over the front porch

Giggles on the swings

Daily hunts for shin pads and baseball gloves

More giggles on the swings

Debates over whether the kids need a jacket or not every morning.

Skinned knees

The ice cream man leisurely driving by and waving at our kids through our window just as we sit down for dinner every night

Spring is finally here!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Middle School

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"

~Eleanor Roosevelt

Our two oldest children are in middle school. Remember middle school? For me it was an absolutely horrible time. My awkward body was going through all of these weird changes that I didn’t understand no matter how many After School Specials I watched or Judy Blume books I read. Not to mention the “mean girls” in eighth grade that bullied me for an entire year because some boy liked me. I don’t want that for my children. But as I remorsefully think about the mistakes I made and the tears that I cried, I realize that because I went through those horrid days, it made me …me. Now don’t get me wrong, I am far from perfect (I couldn’t be further from it) but I kind of like me. I am sometimes overly empathetic, but who couldn’t use a little thoughtfulness in their lives? I want my children to feel the same way about themselves.

So I watch and listen, and even cry for them when they aren’t looking, because…I know. (Even though they don’t believe me.) I hope that they hold the above quote in their sweet little hearts because it is very very true.

I think I will blow this quote up and hang it on the wall because there are days when I need reminding too.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

There truly IS a bright side...

Our nation's economy is going down the tubes. (Don't worry, I am done with the finger pointing.) Everywhere you turn we are reminded of bailouts. lay offs and rising taxes! But there is a light at the end of this turbulent tunnel that we are traveling in.

Our personal relationships can and will grow stronger as a result of this. I am hopeful that people will realize how important it is to share your life instead of running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. It doesn't cost a whole lot of money to sit and chat, share a meal (even if it's hot dogs and beans), take a walk, or play a board game with family and friends. (Making love to your spouse doesn't cost anything, and it will bring you even closer. I highly recommend it!) Instead of worrying about where to take a vacation, which car we should buy, or how many minutes we've used on our cell phone, we can focus on the people in our lives that make us truly happy and fulfilled.

Now I understand that some of us are struggling to put food on the table or trying to find a job, but if we are surrounded by people who truly care and love each other and support one another, this journey will be easier than if traveled alone or unhappy.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ten Reasons Why I ABSOLUTELY Adore My Valentine!

1. He makes me coffee in the morning.

2. He calls me when he's on the road to see if I need anything.

3. He will take a lunch so that I don't need to wake the baby to pick up the kids at school.

4. He never complains when I am behind with the laundry and he needs to dig for socks.

5. He is a very good "spooner."

6. He is great at math!

7. He stays calm when I go off of the deep end!

8. He can instantly tell when something is bothering me and will sincerely ask, "What's wrong?"

9. He tells me that I am beautiful even when I am ten months pregnant sporting swollen ankles, love handles and bulging varicose veins.

10.When he walks into a room my heart still skips a beat!

Happy Valentines Day Neil! I LOVE you!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Our Very Own Peter Pan

Emily switched schools this year. This school is 45 minutes away from us, but a dream come true for Em. My heart felt broken the first day, but I knew we made the right decision. The fact that our sweetie, even though she was the new girl, found the courage to try out for the part of Peter Pan in the school play only confirmed that this was the place for her! Here are a few pictures from the play.

Her biggest fans! (I love Allyson's green lolipop face in this one LOL!)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Lindsey Lu!

Thank you for being who you are! You are loved and cherished. Happy Birthday!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


I still nurse Allyson (20 months old). I know I know, you don't have to say it out loud because I have heard it already. "You still do that?" I wish I could proudly proclaim yes, but instead I am embarrassed. I've seen the raised eyebrows and the disaproving grimaces. (Even from the nurse at our doctors office.) We don't even breastfeed in public, it's a quiet time shared at home, and I usually don't discuss it unless asked. Yet, I am writing this to get it out in the open. I am sick of feeling this way.

Sweet Allyson is struggling to gain weight. In fact, she recently had an endoscopy to confirm a diagnosis of Celiac disease. But instead of an answer, we have questions. (She has many of the "markers" but she doesn't have Celiac.) Why is she anemic? Why isn't she gaining weight? Why is she low in a particiular anit-body?

So for now, we are back on a dairy free diet. Hopefully she will improve, but until then I will breastfeed her. It's my insurance policy, and it's her comfort, as well as extra fat and calories. I feel better now, I just hope that my sweet girl does too.