Monday, July 14, 2008



Just popping in to post a few pictures from our vacation that my dear sister in law took. Thank you Kerri!

Allyson and Daddy.

Allyson (or shall I say Gidget Jr.) absolutely LOVED the beach! She dove right in and never once looked back!

Ryan and my Godson Sean skillfully digging for sea life.
All of the kids really enjoyed discovering new creatures on the shore.

Here are Zachary and Billy on the hunt for crabs!

Lindsey and her cousin Sean taking a break from mini golf

Here is Allyson "riding a horse" with her biggest fan Zachary right behind her.

Here is Emmy doing her very best Jan Brady imitation! (Too bad most of the kiddo's have no idea who Jan Brady actually is!) Gotta love the bikes! Watching all of the sweeties zooming about the resort was one of the highlights of my week.

And we even had a make over session for Lindsey Lu...



The kids had such a great time. My heart is filled with joy just thinking of the many memories from this one trip.

I am not sure that cousin Rachel's heart was filled with joy when the crew decided to help her overcome her fear of clowns. You are a great sport Rach! ;)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Bad Bad Blogger

Hello Friends!

Life is indeed great...isn't it? It can also become extremely hectic at times...well at our house it does anyway. I really wanted to check in briefly since I've received several emails asking where I am. Well...

I am happily immersed in life and simply unable to sit and blog at the computer. (However, if you follow me around the house and listen really carefully I blog verbally to myself...much to the dismay of my children whom often wonder who the world I am talking to!)

Allyson has officially become a proficient climber, so I am on constant patrol. Lulu has decided to teach herself how to swim in our pool, therefore I have suddenly become a valiant life guard. Not to be outdone, Zac is currently working on his curve ball. I happen to be his biggest fan. His current favorite phrase is, "Mom, watch this one!" I am also wearing the hat of guidance counselor since our sweet Emmy is preparing for her entrance into middle school. And since Ryan is enjoying the freedoms that Neil and I have given to him now that he has proven that he is a very responsible young man, I have taken up the odd habit of pacing about while feeling like I am missing something. (Don't ask, I can't explain it.)

And since my handsome husband is working very very hard to provide for us all and then jumping right in to play hard when he comes home, I have very little spare time!

So I needed to make a choice...find time to blog, or time to nourish my marriage, my children and myself. Obviously I didn't choose the blog. I guess you can say that I am a really bad blogger.

Hopefully in the fall I will have more time to spend here as well as catch up with all of you! In the meantime I will continue my patrol while cheering, pacing, listening, and talking to myself as I enjoy my days of summer!

Have a WONDERFUL summer too! xoxoxoxoxo