Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I Love You Allyson

My sweet baby girl. I know, I know, you aren't a baby anymore, but
you will always be my baby. Thank you Ally. Thank you for giving
me the amazing gift of carrying a child inside of me one last time. Thank
you for warming your dad's tender heart. Most of all, thank you for the
gift of you. Our family is joyfully complete because of you. We are blessed.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

There Is a Reason

This morning at Mass our pastor recited a poem near the end of his sermon that touched a chord with me.

I thought that I would share it with you.

There is a reason:
For every pain, that we must bear,
For every burden, every care.

For every grief, that bows the head,
For every tear-drop that is shed.

For every hurt, for every plight,
For every lonely, pain racked night.

There's a reason

Buf if we TRUST GOD,
As we should, It will all
work out for our good.

He knows the reason

Happy Mother's Day

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Please tell me I am not the only person who does this!

I will begin a task…let’s say I am putting laundry away. (Usually I have the kids do this, but there are times when I do it just because I am behind schedule and I want to check it off of my list.) So I grab a pile from the table in the kitchen and begin my journey to the stairs. I march by the computer desk and notice that one of the kids left a toy on the desk so I put the laundry down and pick up the toy and bring it to the toy box. When I enter the playroom I realize that the entertainment center is really dusty so I set off to the kitchen to grab a rag. I catch a glimpse of the laundry and it reminds me that I need to put the clothes away. Then I make my way back to the desk and get the clothing to put away. When I tread past the bathroom on my way back from putting the laundry away. I notice that the sink in the bathroom is covered in toothpaste. So I grab a wipe from under the sink and begin to clean up the toothpaste. Then the phone rings and….you get the point, right? So by the end of the day I am not really sure what I did that day because the entertainment center is still dusty and the laundry is only half done!

I am a hopeless scatterbrain.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Zach's First Holy Communion

(getting ready)

Here is my sweet boy in his "lucky socks." (I pick my battles...God loves him regardless of his footwear.)

Doesn't he look absolutely thrilled? LOL

Here is Lindsey practicing for her day in a couple of years...

And sweet Ally (waiting for her hair to be braided) wondering what is going on?

Our two oldest were a bit camera shy, but I think I can post a few family ones soon.

It was a glorious day.

God Bless you Zachary. He will always be with you.

Monday, May 3, 2010


In an earlier post I expressed uncertainty regarding our son Ryan and his high school education. Well, he is going to attend his dream school! Thank you for your prayers and encouraging words.