Thursday, March 17, 2011




This is what the priest announced during his homily last Wednesday! Isn’t that ironic? This was exactly what our family decided to work on. God was speaking to us directly! Well, maybe not, but it sure felt like it. He gave us a “shout out!”

So far it’s been going fairly well here. It's hard for brothers and sisters to talk nicely to each other...especially during board games! Oy! Sibling squabbles during Disney Trivia Pursuit kind of squashes the fun. (Even Mikey Mouse looked annoyed!)

How is Lent going for you?


Kerrie said...
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Kerrie said...

Oops! Sorry for the delete. I was saying that every year Lent is kind of a "letdown" here. That sounds awful but I mean that I want it to feel more spiritual, more special, you know?
Maybe that's wrong of me (the mommy guilt!) since the main reason I can't ever come up with anything new is because I really strive to model and teach the children to live with Jesus in mind ALL YEAR. But still... bleh! It always seems easier at Advent somehow.
Maybe we just need to start putting up an Easter Tree! :D