Thursday, December 6, 2007

Rush rush rush

When Neil and I started our family we both decided to try and keep our lives as simple as possible. We have done fairly well so far, but lately it's been a bit tricky. Three of our children are in school now, I have a high maintenance three year old and a baby who loves her mama, so I have been working on my juggling act...and dropping the ball more than I had hoped.

Anyway... I needed to pick up the kids from school yesterday, and I was really hungry. (I am always hungry! Is it a nursing thing?) I quickly slapped a PB and J sandwich together and woofed it down while trying to find Lindsey's left shoe and a missing mitten. I triumphantly got the girls ready and set off in our nice warmed up car (I remembered to do that!) to get the kids.

Confidently I park, unbuckle Linds, wrestle the carriage out of the back and pop Allyson's car seat in, all the while thinking... I think I've got my groove back. We strut to the doors a bit early and wait. I chat with some moms about the weather and how the baby is growing up so know small talk. After a few minutes a good friend of mine approaches.
I smile, she smiles then bursts out laughing. "Kel, did you have peanut butter and jelly for lunch?" Gulp. Apparently I had a big old glob of it on my cheek! LOL! I had two choices in this situation...

A. Meekly wipe the smudge of sandwich off of my face while thanking my friend(feeling like an idiot).

B. Or burst into laughter while asking my friend if she would like some.

I chose B.

I do have my groove back! I'm just tweaking it a bit. ;)


Kerrie said...

LOLOLOL!!! Ooh my gosh, that'd be me, but I'd probably have it all over my shirt too! :-D

Jamie said...

LOLOL! I love your reaction! I would have been so embarrassed. I need to learn from you and keep my sense of humor!

Kellybelly said...

You know what was running through my head? Why didn't anyone else tell me? And When was the last time I looked in a mirror before I lest the house? I used to always do a quick check before leaving. I didn't think I was "letting myself go?" Maybe I don't care as much?

Kerrie said...

Hee! I was thinking that too, that you spoke to the other moms and nobody said anything.
Now you know who your best friends are. :-)
I swear, I never check my look anymore either, I went out a few weeks ago with Chloe's My Little Pony hair accessories clipped all through my hair, TOTALLY forgot she'd put them there. :-P I think folks at the market thought it was a fashion statement - ROFL!

Kellybelly said...

Kerrie! Are you my long lost sister? LOL!

I had Carebear stickers all over my back one day and nobody said a word. I went to the mall!!! LOL!

Kerrie said...

Oh my gosh... I'm SNORTING here! LOLOL!
Yep, we must have been separated at birth. I'm definitely the dorkier sister though, because I've done the sticker thing too... only they were on MY BUTT!!!

I figure I may get my brain back a little by the time all my lovies grow up, just in time for senility to set in...

Kellybelly said...

LOL Kerrie! That is too funny. I am sure we will have many more of these moments. (Personally I think I have at least one every other week or so.)

Honestly, I am kind of getting used to my foggy brain,it's part of my charm. Well...maybe? :)

kasoidfone said...

Oh's nice to know I'm not alone in this world w/my head in the clouds. I once walked around Wal-Mart w/poop and spit up on me. Yes, I was a new mom to a three week old who had no sleep in the three weeks since she was born. Only another new mother can laugh and find the humor in this situation. The "Bright Side" of this story...I was and still continue to be total parental "bliss!"