Saturday, December 15, 2007

Please smile!

Before we got a digital camera, taking the Christmas card picture was a disaster. Neil and I would argue, the kids would end up crying, the photo developer guy at Walgreens hid behind the counter when we walked in, and we always spent way too much money on film and developing. Now we do all of the above except the last part.

This year was no different. I was the director, wildly flailing my arms while making obnoxious noises so that Allyson would look at me. Neil was the photographer, crouching down, banging his head on the chandelier, and mumbling some words that I hope the kids didn't hear.

We took twenty pictures, put them up on the computer, voted, argued over which one was the best, and wondered what the heck that smudge is on the wall behind Emily's head? By the time all was said and done, nobody was even all that thrilled with the picture.

Why do we do this? It's become one of our many holiday traditions I suppose. I even have a "Christmas card bloopers" file that I plan on making into an album someday. Every year I look at the pictures and laugh, remembering all the bribes I offered just for a smile.

So here it is...this years (kind of okay) Christmas picture. Merry Christmas!
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Jamie said...

I think it's absolutely beautiful and I am amazed at how you got them all to look and smile!

I hear you about the card ordeal...I've come to dread it.

Each year I promise myself I won't stress and then immediately after the photo session I swear I won't even bother the next year. But I always do. I too keep all the bloopers and they are least a year or two later! ;o)

Amy Teets said...

You have a beautiful family Kel!!

Kerrie said...

Oh Kelly, I think it's beautiful!
Your kids are gorgeous!
And nobody's even making a goofy face - now *that* is a Christmas photo miracle! :-D

Jen said...

If it makes you feel better, Charlie quit about half way through and decided that laying on the floor kicking her feet, was a much better pose than sitting and smiling in the chair. But I too keep capturing these moments knowing that someday down the road (really, really far down the road) I will have time to put together a blooper book for all of them.....BTW there is one more on the way :-)

Kellybelly said...

I am SO HAPPY for you!!!!!! How are you feeling? (I can't stop smiling!) Is there just one? :)

Crystal said...

You have beautiful kids!