Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How the time has passed

I can't believe that I have been an at home mom for 12 years. You'd think I would be better at this. LOL Some days it feels like I haven't really done much of anything at all, yet I honestly can't recall sitting down and relaxing either? I know I know... I am doing a very important job, a job that I absolutely love (most days). In fact, this is the job that I dreamed of having. Is that weird? I've always wanted to be a mom.

Yay me! ;)


Kerrie said...

I know what you mean! But just when you think you've finally got the hang of it they change the job requirements - LOL!
Honestly, I can't think of any more challenging or stimulating profession, and you're doing an awesome job. :-)

Kellybelly said...

I love how you describe it Kerrie! Exactly. :)

Jamie said...

You know...I thank God every day for blessing me and allowing me to be a mommy to John and Ida. And yet there are days when I want to go screaming from the house in search of a Starbucks.

The support and understanding of other mommies has gone a long way in keeping me sane.

And mommies like you are truly inspiring!

Kellybelly said...


kasoidfone said...

Being a Mom is a privledge and honor and I truly cherish every second I have been a Mom. From the second I saw two lines on the stick...I was hugging my belly telling my baby how much I loved her. I started a journal that night..the night I found out and I continue to write entries in her journal about exciting things..her first steps..words and this past week..she lost her two bottom teeth..the first two teeth that came in when she was just 7-months old. About her fun playdates with her friends or with Mommy & Daddy. My mind may fade with age but these are memories I want to hold on forever and I want to pass them on to her to reflect when she is older or a mother herself when she can understand my tight hugs and million kisses a day were because of no other reason than I love her with all my heart. I tell her all the time, she is my true love and my soulmate. I'm so glad I gave up my 12-14hr. days in Boston. As much as I LOVED my job and life style, I'd never go back I only want to go forward (slowly) with my babydoll! I call her my Mon Cheri! My love in French and that is what she'll always be! I never like to preach religion, everyone shares a different view on religion but I truly feel God blessed me with the most precious gift. I feel I will never be able to repay him, execpt that I "Thank" him everyday of my life.

Kellybelly said...

Aww Pat!
Mandy is blessed to have you as her mommy. :)