Monday, January 7, 2008

Beautiful Day!

Today's weather was unusually warm and since I have been couped up in the house for what seems to be months (only weeks) with sick children, I was very eager to go for a nice long walk with the girls.

Before Neil left for work I enthusiastically skipped to the garage to dig out the double jogging stroller. As I raised the door I realized that this wasn't going to be an easy job. I needed to move the trash barrels, a cozy coupe car, two scooters, a bike, the snow blower, sleds, and three hula hoops. Surprisingly,this amazing discovery didn't dampen my spirits. After I shoved all of the stuff back into the garage (why do we even call it a garage? In the thirteen years that we've been here, I have never seen our car in there?) I realized that I needed to move the mini van over in the driveway because I can't fit the wide carriage by. After thinking about it for a moment,I decided to move it after Neil went to work so he wouldn't be late.

Once Neil left, it was clear that Allyson (the baby) was in no mood to go for a nice long walk. I surrendered to her whines by nursing her and she quickly dozed off. The poor sweet girl has had a terrible time with this cold and is completely off of her schedule. I am also convinced that she has BSPS --boogie sucker panic syndrome. Every time I come near her with that syringe thingy to clear her nose she goes nutty. I feel so badly for the poor love, but she can't breathe unless I help her.

(This is turning into a much longer story than I had planned, but I am going with it.)

While Ally slept, Lindsey did a little art project and I caught up on emails. It seemed like forever for the baby to wake up. She very rarely takes long naps but of course she is sleeping like my father in law on Thanksgiving. I could hear her snoring on the monitor and while I was happy for my darling child, Lindsey and I were ready to go!

I decided to go out to move the car and be prepared for the "awakening." I packed a little bag of toys, a blanket, and a juice box for our journey. Lucky for us all, Allyson woke up as chipper as can be.

Our walks are like therapy for me. I love to exercise! It lifts me and makes me a better mom and wife (I think?). We sometimes walk for hours just laughing and chatting away. To be perfectly honest, half of the time I have absolutely no idea what Lindsey is saying to me. I just "Um hum," her as I breathe the fresh air and enjoy the change of scenery. For all I know I could have promised her cheese curls for lunch!

Unfortunately for me, Lindsey wasn't enjoying today's walk as much as Allyson and I, and after a quick twenty minutes she declared she was cold and wanted to go home. I reluctantly headed back. It's okay though because it's going to be even warmer tomorrow and maybe I'll convince Lindsey to stay out longer in exchange for cheese curls for lunch.

(Mom, I am just kidding.)

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Ida used to love going for walks. We went daily when living in FL. But once she got a bit older, forget it...even bribes didn't work. Although cheese curls might have done the trick;o)

Hope you get out today for a longer time. We too are enjoying springy weather. But I'd still like some snow!