Monday, January 14, 2008

Have you seen my...

It's a snow day here! I absolutely LOVE days like these. We all stay in our pj's for most of the morning and play games or snuggle while watching a movie, and then after lunch I gather up all of the snow pants, gloves, boots, hats and jackets and hand them out to the kids.

We have lots of other children in the neighborhood so it is a glorious sight. I am fairly well prepared for this day mainly because THE BIG SNOW STORM has been on the news non-stop for days now. Have you noticed that it's always a STORM now? We could be getting two inches of snow and they call it this. It's nuts. So everything is organized and ready to go for the kids. I left my husband in charge of his own stuff. I think I may have made a mistake...

This morning Neil was pacing around the house looking bewildered. "Hun," he asks scratching his head, "Have you seen my boots?" Two minutes later "Kel, have you seen my keys?" Then shortly after that, "Where is my coffee mug?" I love him to death, but holy macaroni! As if I don't have enough to keep track of?
Lucky for him his boots were where he left them, keys in his pocket and mug next to the sink. I think he's just overcome by my first thing in the morning beauty and can't think straight. LOL! I wish!

I love that man! I wish he had a snow day too!


Crystal said...

Thanks for stopping by! Snow days are the best aren't they! I just wish when we have them there was actually SNOW on the ground for the kids to play in! No snow, just ice...Hope all goes well and it wont be too bad for you guys!

Have a good snow day and come back anytime;0)

Kellybelly said...

I still can't get over the toilet paper Crystal!!! LOL

Jamie said...

I'm jealous...of the snow, not the forgetful husband(have one of those here!).

Nothing beats a snow day and I keep waiting for one. I saw about six snowflakes today during a three second flurry and got excited. Sad...but true.

Kim said...

Hope you all enjoyed the snow! Loved reading your post!