Thursday, January 17, 2008

Did you know...

I love this drooly smile!

I am a bit embarrassed to admit this, but along with my family and friends and all of the usual things that one is thankful for there is one rather unusual thing that I am very very grateful for... Google. (Hee he) How did I get through life without it? Especially since my children ask the greatest questions. Questions that I would never in my wildest dreams come up with.

One day, out of the blue my oldest son Ryan asks me, "Do eyeballs grow?" "Excuse me?" I reply (trying to buy myself some time). He graciously repeats the question. At this point I know that he's got me on this one. I have two options here: Option 1: I can use the old stand by and suggest
that he look it up. Or I could admit (like I almost always do) that I have no idea but will find out for him. This is where my friend Google comes in.

If the baby has a weird rash...Google. If I need a snazzy meatloaf recipe...Google. Or if my youngest son Zachary asks me if spiders fart...Google! Where do they come up with these questions? (And no Neil the next time you fart in bed don't even try to blame a spider!)

I hope they always come to me with their questions...and I hope I am always blessed with the internet and Google!


Kerrie said...

So, DO spiders fart? I'm too lazy to Google it. :-D

Kellybelly said...

According to Google, they do! Although I have never personally witnessed this. Can you imagine?! LOL! I am sick!

Jamie said...

LOL! Wait til I tell Tom that spiders fart! He always has all this "useless knowledge" and I tease him because he googles EVERYTHING...and I know that's where he comes up with all these facts. But I just know I'll get him with this one!

I often try to think back(because I am oh, so old)to the day before the internet. We didn't even have an encyclopedia set at our house. How did we ever come up with answers?

If I didn't have google, I couldn't have a conversation with Ida. She asks questions all the time that I simply have no idea what to reply to!

Sad, but true!

Kellybelly said...

Google answer...

Gas comes from their rear, it does not make a fart sound as they do not have muscles such as humans do.

Why did I google this again? LOL

Kerrie said...

Here's some really useless Googling! My sons wanted to know if anyone could.. ummmm.. make gas powered music.
I'd like to say I was surprised by the answer:
Luckily they decided to shoot for belching the entire alphabet instead. :-P

Crystal said...

(Giggles) My son is starting to ask off the wall questions as well. Maybe I'll ask HIM if he knows about spiders, LOL! I can't wait until I get home;) Google is a very nifty thing, is it not?! Have a great day and you'll have to update us all on the growing of the eye balls, LOL! I love it!!

Kellybelly said...

Kerrie who would have thunk it? Ryan needs an idea for a science experiment...hmmm?

Crystal if I am not mistaken the answer to the eyeball question was yes. I am going to pull a Kerrie and say that I'm to lazy to look it up. ;)

Anonymous said...

The questions just keep getting harder as they grow LOL
But like you Google is my best friend LOL I always say, You know I don't know but I will find out.

Now that they are older sometimes they find the answers before I do but that is OK too because they share with me.

I never get tired of their questions, I learn as much as they do!

Kellybelly said...

Hi Doris!!!! I agree...I learn something new every day! :)